Meeting Tips

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To do:

  • Incorporate example meeting minutes snippets

About a week before the meeting


  • Make sure you will be able to attend. If not, find someone to facilitate for you.
  • Call for agenda items


  • Make sure you will be able to attend. If not, find someone to scribe for you.

The day before the meeting


  • Create the agenda. (You are looking for agenda items. Organize them into a final agenda, grouping related items together and plugging into the general template):
    • Review the previous meeting's notes
    • Review which meetings happened that are likely to report
    • Review the agenda
    • Review other relevant things, like the RT queue, email posts, and the wiki
  • Line up presenters for anything on the agenda that seems like a major topic. These people should be prepared to introduce the topic and answer questions about it.

Before the meeting


  • Incorporate any last minute items onto the agenda.
  • Print out copies of the agenda. Usually three copies:
    • one for the scribe,
    • one for yourself,
    • one to share with the group.


  • Get a laptop or a paper and pen/pencil for taking notes
  • Get a copy of the agenda from the facilitator

The Meeting

Once you know the tips, you may want to use the empty Meeting Template page as a start.

Call the meeting to order


  • Make sure there's a scribe taking attendance and ready to take notes
  • Is everyone OK with the agenda? Any items missing?


  • Record the name of the meeting and the date
  • List everyone in attendance (for some meetings also list if they were late). Ask for people's names if you don't know them.

Check in


  • Ask how everyone's doing.


  • This usually requires no notes be taken.

Committments from Previous Meeting


  • Go through each item and ask for a brief report.
    • If committments pertain to regular agenda items, ask that discussion be put off until that item


  • Record the status of each item
    • Did it change owners?
    • Is it finished?
    • Is it a carryover? (If so, re-enter in the Future Committments section.)

Reports from Other Meeting


  • Go through each report and ask for a brief report.
    • If committments pertain to regular agenda items, ask that discussion be put off until that item
    • If issues come up that aren't on the agenda, add a new item to New Business section


  • Record links to online minutes
  • Record questions and answers

Old Business


  • Ask the presenter to present the topic
  • Ask for questions to clarify the issue
  • Is there any discussion?
  • Are we ready for a formal proposal?
  • If not
    • Does there need to be any action?
    • Does a smaller group need to hammer out a proposal?
    • Can it be done on and email list and/or wiki?
  • If we are ready for a proposal try to guide discussion towards making one.
  • For each proposal:
    • Does everyone understand it?
    • What concerns do people have? How can it be changed to deal with those concerns
    • If there appears to be agreement, make sure the proposal is in writing by askign the scribe to read it back
    • Ask for any remaining concerns
    • If there are none, state that we've reached a decision and have the scribe record it.
    • If there are concerns:
      • Can it be hammered out in a smaller group and decided at next meeting?
      • Are there alternate proposals to consider?


  • Record item names
    • Key points from discussion
    • Proposals (at least loose wording)
    • Decisions -- Mark them clearly as decisions. Make sure the wording is accurate.

New Business


  • Same points at Old Business


  • Same points at Old Business

Future Committments


  • Record the item, its owner, and a time frame

Next Meeting


  • Record next scribe
  • Record next facilitator
  • Record any reporters (i.e. to Council Meeting or Staff Meeting)
  • Record next time and place of meeting
  • Record any unfinished business for the next facilitator to include in the meeting

After the Meeting