The Gimp

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About the class

April, 2005 will be first time MNR offers a class on the Gimp at Free Geek, but it's far from the first time he's taught the subject. The Gimp is the image editing software distributed on FreekBoxes - and used by all kinds of people to make cool pictures. This is an introductory-level class, and should be accessable to anyone who has mastered the material taught in the FreekBox Adoption Class.

Related Links

From the project's web site,

Next Class: April 5th, 2005

I don't think all of this is going to be covered in the first (April 5) session, but here's the planned content:

  • Finding and starting the Gimp
  • Navigating the Gimp
  • Opening files, Saving Files
  • Palettes: Tools & Layers, Channels & Paths
  • Making selections
  • Dealing with Floating Selections
  • Manipulating Selections
  • Filters
  • Assignment! - enter a contest at worth1000
  • Animations

April 12th, 2005

April 19, 2005

Can we cancel April 19th, and add May 3rd at the end?
Sure thing, boss. If it's ok with the students. --Ideath 23:37, 30 Mar 2005 (PST)

April 26, 2005

OK with me.

May 3rd

...But only if we cancel April 19th.