- Wages are $11.55 per hour.
- Length of job:
Work Hours
To Apply
- Submit an essay detailing:
- why you'd like this internship
- how it fits your career plans
- why you think you'd be good at this job
- It is required that applicants take a tour of our facility (to learn about our culture and better understand the organization). Tours are offered every day Tues. - Sat. at noon and 5pm, and last about 30 minutes. Please submit your essay to the person working at reception at the completion of the tour. *** Current Volunteers are exempt from taking the tour.
- Applications for this position are due by .
- We expect to hire for this position by .
- Please note that internships are not a path towards full-time employment.
{{Template:Staff Salary
| time =
| due =
| start =
| duration =
- time =
- Full-time, 35 hours per week.
- Four and a half or five days per week, Tuesday thru Saturday, 10:30am to 7:30pm, some evening or morning meetings, with some flexibility
- due =
- start =
- duration =