Volunteer Coordinator

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Revision as of 18:51, 9 July 2009 by Ali (talk | contribs) (added a few items)
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About This Job

This job description is a proposed position for an Americorps volunteer. The purpose of this position is to improve the Free Geek volunteer experience and to more effectively utilize volunteer skills.


  • Improve support for Spanish-speaking volunteers, including materials, documentation, translators, etc.
  • Redirect volunteers who have completed the Build and Adoption programs
  • Help ameliorate the orientation process for new volunteers, including tours
  • Create a procedure for identifying volunteer skills
  • Assist Education Coordinator with recruitment and processing of volunteer interns
  • Evaluate the lack of space in various places, especially Build
  • Formulate post-Adoption and post-Build surveys to create feedback loop for volunteer experience
  • Help create a process for screening for dangerous behavior in new volunteers
  • Assist with creation of volunteer contract/expectations for new volunteers
  • Help coordinate volunteer appreciation events
  • Research food donations
  • Work with Office Coordinator support the volunteer desk
  • Document as needed, which will be often
  • Attend and participate in Inreach meetings
  • Coordinate with other staff members
  • Work floor shifts coordinating volunteers

Required Skills

  • Experience managing volunteers
  • Demonstrated documentation skills
  • Work well under stress in an unusual setting, maintaining a positive attitude even in the face of adversity
  • Self-motivation, ability to take initiative
  • Friendly, outgoing personality
  • Patient and courteous with the public
  • Likes working with people
  • Good organizational skills
  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Able to work in an informal, friendly environment with a diverse staff
  • Ability to work and communicate well in a collectively-run organization
  • Ability to work in a consensus decision making process related to staff and policy issues
  • Not afraid to ask questions, but able to work on projects almost entirely without supervision
  • Able to remain flexible as Free Geek grows and changes