Thrift Store/customer service

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Revision as of 15:57, 25 August 2009 by Leah (talk | contribs)
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Customer Service a la Free Geek Thrift Store

Acknowledge the customers

  • When they come in the door
  • when they're looking for stuff
  • when they come up to buy something

Be nice to people

  • Even if it seems like they are asking the same questions over and over
  • Even if you're feeling grumpy
  • Even if they're stinky
  • Don't be snarky if it seems like someone doesn't know what they're talking about

Be available for the customers

  • Don't get stuck behind the POS, staring at the computers
  • If someone asks you where something is located walk them over to it instead of just pointing in the general direction
  • Give them the whole story
    • Is someone buying an as-is item? Make sure they know it's not exchangeable and that we can't guarantee whether it works or not
    • if someone calls on the phone and asks if we have something, make sure they know we don't do holds
    • if they're buying a system make sure they are aware of the warranty/tech support policy
  • Phone servicing
    • try not to talk over people
    • don't assume you know what their question is before they have a chance to ask it
    • if someone is rambling on and on it's okay to cut them off, but try to do it in a nice way
  • Don't play music so loud that the customers can't hear you
  • Try not to eat giant sammiches out on the floor, little snacks are okay
  • Don't get too technical; with people who don't know what you're talking about eyes will gloss over, with people who do you'll get monopolized and be stuck talking to them for the next hour
  • Don't check your personal email while in store, take a break
  • Say thank you! When they give you money and when the transaction is finished