31 Flavors

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31 Flavors of linux

Our current CD/DVD burning machine has the fallowing iso images downloaded on it:

  • Ubuntu 8.04.2 (i386 CD)
  • Ubuntu 8.04 (ppc CD)
  • Ubuntu 9.04 (i386 CD)
  • Fedora 11 (i686 DVD)
  • Fedora 11 (i686 LiveCD)
  • Suse 11.1 (i586 DVD)
  • Puppy Linux 4.2.1 (LiveCD)


x86_64, LiveCD, DVD, and CD images of each:

  • Debian Lenny
  • Fedora 11
  • Debian testing (network install)
  • Suse 11
  • Mandriva
  • Damn Small Linux