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  • #15753 install security update
  • #15784 Newfangled keyboard tester addition request/issues
  • test installing and write debian-specific install instructions that are up to date for fgdb.rb ( #15523)
  • #15885 fix up coveredness tracking
    • 15492 covered or noncovered choice added to printme
    • 15846 Make FG-PDX automatically uncovered
    • 15883 figure out if the sales screen should have a covered widget too
    • 15884 make them choose covered or uncovered
  • #15518 Redo how the destroy link works
  • Staff_hours_tracking_application


  • 11-14-09 release:
    • carryover - destroy link, #15518 (plus unimportant changes in current master)
    • coveredness improvements, #15885
      • shouldn't wait until next release, this will break stuff
  • 11-21-09 release: staff hours rollout/testing?
    • has to be, FG is closed on the 28th, and it's needed before December...
    • pretty much ready now
  • on Wednesday (whether home or at FG, need it for release):
    • #15518, destroy link
  • on Saturday the 14th:
    • #15885, coveredness improvements (if not done already)
    • minor improvements to staff hours