Receiving Intake and Outake

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Revision as of 16:25, 4 February 2010 by Elizabethwt (talk | contribs) (New page: == '''What goes where in and after receiving''' == This is the first wiki page for a project by the NPAs to make Receiving more responsive to the needs/wants/likes/dislikes of other areas...)
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What goes where in and after receiving

This is the first wiki page for a project by the NPAs to make Receiving more responsive to the needs/wants/likes/dislikes of other areas. The current idea is that NPAs will interview/communicate with/and/or/work in different areas around FreeGeek to learn more about what these areas should receive and how they should receive it.


From a conversation with Liane during early February '09:

CBM vs. Deconstruction

The deconstruction pile in the recycling area has been getting out of control, so Liane would like to work with us so that this doesn't happen. One of the problems is that many items that should go to CBM have started going to deconstruction. Here, however, is the rub: whether or not an item should go to deconstruction does not depend solely on the what the item is. Sometimes, if recycling is receiving a lot of one item and they don't have time to take all of these items apart, recycling CBMs these items. Other times, these items will be deconstructed. In other words, it will probably not be possible to develop a set list of what Recycling wants in CBM and what they want in deconstruction. So the policy that Liane suggested was, with the exception of a few types of items (and at this point is this author is not exactly sure what these items are), when in doubt, put it in CBM. The person in recycling always sorts through the CBM box when it is brought back from Receiving, so they will pull things out that they need at that particular time.--Elizabethwt 23:25, 4 February 2010 (UTC)