Produce Software For Use Outside of PDX (PPS)

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This is a stub. Please feel free to give this article love and attention if you know more about this topic than we have here.

This comes from the brainstorm of May 2009, as extrapolated by Martin & laurel1. Needs work.

Program Basics
  • Program Name: Produce Software For Use Outside of PDX
  • Program Description:
Umbrella org stuff. Develop software that will help other FGs sprout/prosper.
  • What best describes this program?
    1. Primarily meets program needs (expected to cost more money than it makes)
  • Why does Free Geek need this program?
Decrease barriers to entry for nascent Free Geeks.

Job Position Basics

  • Would there be a dedicated staff position associated with this program? @ pick YES or NO
  • Position Title: @ add Position title here
  • Job Description: @ add Job description here

Financial costs

  • What are the expected financial staffing costs of the program? (Include all costs to the organization such as salary, payroll taxes, and benefits.)
@ add information not detailed below
  • What other costs are associated with the program? ()
@ add things like costs of materials needed, etc.
  • If there will be a dedicated staff position, how much time would be needed for training?
    • How much time would existing staff need to put in? ______@______ hours
    • How time would existing volunteers need to put in? ______@______ hours
  • Once the program is up and running how many staff how many hours per week would it take?
    • In paid staff time? ______@______ hours/week
    • In volunteer time? ______@______ hours/week


  • Outline the intangible costs for the position and program:
@ add info here
  • Are there any possible negative impacts on Free Geek's mission, and if so what?
@ add info here
  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions currently in effect?
@ add info here
  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions being considered?
@ add info here


  • Would the program generate income? @ pick YES or NO
    • If yes, how much income would be expected once the program is up and running? $ _@_ / month
    • If yes, how long would it take for the program to get to that point? @ add estimated time
  • How does the program support the mission of Free Geek?
@ add info here

Measuring Success

  • How can the success of the program be measured?
@ add info here
  • For most income generating positions, the costs initially outweigh the benefits. If this is an income generating program, how long until it is expected to break even?
@ add info here
  • Outline a plan for implementing the program:
@ add info here