Donor Desk Checklist

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Checklist of Tasks

Date: __________________
Area Opener: _____________________
Donor Desk Pre-Opening Tasks Initials
Brew coffee. (2)
Stock coffeehouse with creamer, sugar, stir sticks (1).
Acquire and count cash drawer. Be sure to initial your count. (2)
Prep desk, turn on computers. (1)
Stock (4) bathrooms with TP (2 rolls each) & paper towels as needed. Check to make sure the dispensers work. (They may need batteries replaced.)(1)
Fill all (4) bathroom soap dispensers with 1/3 Castille soap & 2/3 water.
Fill both (2) dishwashing soap dispensers with 1/3 Concentrated dish soap & 2/3 water.
Donor Desk Closing Tasks Initials
Recycle notes (1)
Put pens, pencils, scissors, etc., back where they belong (1)
Turn off all computers (1)
Help process volunteers until 7pm (2,3)
Count till after 7pm (3)
Give till to closer to put in the safe. If closer is not available, write name of staff person that took till here: __________________.
Area Closer: ______________________

Donor Desk Afternoon Tasks Initials
File volunteer applications (by last name) as needed.
Check and print if needed: donor slips, credit card receipts, IOU reimbursement forms, mileage reimbursement form, other recyclers, donor FAQ brochure (2)
Take donations and print donation receipts.
clean and tidy desk and lobby (1)
stock coffee area with sugar and creamer if needed (1)
print & restock brochures, contribution slips, other recyclers, etc.(2)
read email! respond when you have addressed the issue (2)
stock bathrooms with TP, soap, paper towels (2)
stock kitchens with dish soap (2)
check receiving donor slips, print more if needed (2)
check and fill printers (2)
Answer the phone if the volunteer desk does not do so within a couple of rings (you may have to transfer over there if scheduling is required).