End of Program Survey

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Purpose of this survey

  • To gather demographic information for use in outreach and fundraising capacity
  • To solicit feedback on our volunteer programs
  • To help us identify possible program improvements
  • To gather testimonials for outreach and fundraising purposes
  • To identify skills and interests of volunteers for future projects

Who takes the survey

This survey would be taken by volunteers at the time they are completing either the Build or Adoption programs. For Adoption, it could be made a regular part of future Adoption Classes. For Build volunteers, we would need to come up with a system to ensure builders have the option to take it.

How it is taken

We are currently using a web-based program called Lime Survey. Currently Tony and Michael are administrators on this and can add additional users. Luiz, Laurel, Sophia and Tony are trained in building surveys.

The major feature this tool provides is branching surveys, where the responses to certain questions will determine which follow-up questions are asked. Responses are stored in a spreadsheet file, and depending on the survey settings, can be either anonymous or not.

Also, LS allows for many different question formats. It's a good idea to look at the [documentation to familiarize yourself with what's available.

Proposed Survey Logic


This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

Proposed Questions and Text

Here's the place to draft the actual questions.

Welcome Page
Thanks for blah blah. This portion is entirely anonymous. It consists of X questions and should take you X mins to complete.

Demographic Info

What is your zip code? N - Numerical Input
What is your yearly household income, including all earners in your household? - OR - What is your own yearly income? - "!" - List Dropdown Question
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,999
$20,000 - $29,999
$30,000 - $39,999
$40,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $59,999
$60,000 or above
No answer
What is the highest level of education you have completed? "!" - List Dropdown Question
Less than high school
High school/GED
Some college
2-year college degree (Associates Degree)
4-year college degree (BA, BS)
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Professional Degree (JD, MD)
No answer
Race/Ethnicity M - Multiple Options (check any that apply)
American Indian / Native American
Black / African American
Hispanic / Latino
White / Caucasian
Pacific Islander
Other [type in answer]
No answer
Gender L - List radio
Other [type in answer]
No answer
What year were you born? N - Numerical Input
[type in answer]
Employment Status - Are you currently...? "!" - List Dropdown Question
Employed for wages
Out of work and looking for work
Out of work but not currently looking for work
A homemaker
A student
Unable to work
No answer

Did you require any special accommodations while at Free Geek? - Y - Yes/No
(If yes) - Please rate how Free Geek responded to your needs -
Other potential questions re: Technology Use
Generally speaking, how comfortable do you feel using a computer?
Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not very comfortable
Not at all comfortable
No answer
How often do you use the Internet?
Once or more a day
A few times a week
A few times a month
Hardly ever
No answer
Other potential questions re: Free Geek
Tour? Scheduling? How did you hear about us? What could we do to improve?

Welcome page for rest of survey

This part is not anonymous.
You may save this survey at any time and continue it later.
Who are you?
email (We will only contact you with your permission, and will not share this information with anyone).
General Feedback
Do you feel your experience volunteering here met your expectations?
Do you feel the tour accurately represented the program?
Which program are you completing?

Build Overall Impressions

Note: see Build Program Exit Survey for questions
Hardware Identification Feedback
Did you complete Hardware ID, or did you "test out" (skip the class to go straight to System Evaluation)? - L - List radio
Completed Hardware ID
Tested out
If they completed Hardware ID:
Did you complete Hardware ID in one session or multiple sessions? - L - List radio
One session
More than one
Don't remember
Do you feel like 2.5 hours was an adequate amount of time for Hardware ID? - Y - Yes/No
Don't remember
Question about class size?? - I'm not sure how to phrase it
Please rate the staff/interns on the following qualities: - F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very) + No answer
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about instructors? S - Short free text
Please rate the teaching materials on the following qualities: - F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very) + No answer
Easy to use
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about teaching materials? S - Short free text
System Evaluation
Please rate the staff/interns on the following qualities - F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very) + No answer
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about instructors? S - Short free text
Please rate System Evaluation in the following areas: F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (did not like at all) to 5 (liked it/them very much) + No answer
Flow charts
Room layout
Is this the first time you've built a computer?
Please rate the staff/interns
QC instructions
Build checklists
Overall, did the Build Program meet your expectations? Fall short of expectations?
Tour prepare you for build?
Skills learned?
Command Line Class
Did you take the command line class?
Are you interested in Post-Build programs?
Tech Support
Advanced Testing

Adoption Overall Impressions

Also see Adoption Program Survey

Is this the first time you've owned a computer?
In which areas did you volunteer?
Basic Testing
Recycling Bench
Recycling Table
Monitor Testing
Receiving Feedback
Please rate the staff on the following qualities
- F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very) + No answer
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about staff in Receiving? S - Short free text
Please rate Receiving in the following areas
F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)
Overall training
Room organization and signs
Safety training
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about Receiving? S - Short free text
Basic Testing Feedback
What did you test?
Please give suggestions on what could be better.

Printerland Feedback
Please rate the Printerland staff on the following qualities
- F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very) + No answer
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about staff in Printerland? S - Short free text
Please rate Printers in the following areas
F - Array (Flexible Labels)/Scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)
Overall training
Room organization and signs
Safety training
Recycling Bench Feedback
Recycling Table Feedback
Monitor Testing Feedback
Cleaning Feedback

More Volunteering =

Are you interested in volunteering in other areas?
Interests and Skills Questions (Asking them to rate 1-5 both their interest and experience on a list of areas)
Graphic Design
May we contact you about...?
Volunteer projects
Upcoming events
Thank You Landing Page
Thanks. Blah blah blah.