Talk:Build Program Exit Survey

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Current test link for survey:

Opening Message

Thanks for being a part of the Build Program at Free Geek! We are a volunteer-driven organization and could not exist without your help. Your feedback helps us improve our programs for the better.

This survey contains 5 sections: Hardware Identification feedback, System Evaluation feedback, Build and Quality Control feedback, Overall Impressions, and Demographic Information. You can save the survey and return at any time. All of the questions are optional.

Hardware Identification Feedback

Hardware Identification is the first "step" in Free Geek's Build Program, where volunteers work their way through a series of lesson boxes (for example, Box A = Memory/RAM, Box B = Cards, Box C = Motherboards, Box D = Drives, Box E = Hard Drives, and Box F = Processors)
Did you complete Hardware Identification, or did you "test out" (skip the class to go straight to System Evaluation)?
Tested Out
(if they completed it)
Did you complete Hardware Identification in one session or in multiple sessions?
One session
More than one session
Don't remember
No answer
Hardware Identification currently lasts approximately 2.5 hours. Do you think that the time was
Not enough
About right
Too long
Don't remember
No answer
Do you have any comments you'd like to share about the structure or scheduling of Hardware Identification?
Please rate the staff/interns on the following qualities (scale of 1 to 5, with 1 = not very, and 5 = very)
Please rate the teaching materials on the following qualities (scale of 1 to 5, with 1 = not very, and 5 = very)
Easy to read
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about teaching materials in Hardware Identification?

System Evaluation Feedback