Regularly Scheduled Tour Guides

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Revision as of 13:51, 30 April 2010 by Valerie (talk | contribs) (Removed Brittany (sniff!); Added Andrew to Tuesdays (smile!))
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Look at all our dedicated tour guides! This is the list of available tour guides at any given tour time:

  • 12 noon: Andrew
  • 5 PM: Renee
  • 12 noon: ________
  • 5 PM: Renee
  • 12 noon: Anne
  • 5 PM: John
  • 12 noon: Ian
  • 5 PM: Elizabeth WT
  • 12 noon: Sophia/Renee
  • 2 PM: Renee - Spanish Tour
  • 5 PM: Anne/Sophia
Trained back-up (unscheduled)
  • Kathie H. 1.0
  • Kathie S. 2.0
  • Ryan C.

Thank you Tour Guides!