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RAM (Memory) Testing

SVANDUSEN 19:13, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

RAM is a deceptively simple device to test. It appears to be simply a matter of gathering, sorting,loading,removing, labeling, and storing; repeated over and over again. In actuality, there are a multitude of details and issues involved that would take far more space to cover than is alloted here. This is a very basic overview of the essentials that are necessary to get through the process. For more information please consult other experienced volunteers, instructors, or research such sources as Wikipedia or forums on Google.
Collect Collect incoming RAM from the collection points.
  • Advanced Testing Incoming Rack - the yellow tub on the shelf labeled 'Incoming RAM' (use this to collect from the other points as well).
  • System Evaluation - the four boxes on the work bench labeled 'Memory' .
  • Receiving - the box on the top shelf labeled 'Unsorted Memory'.
Sort Sort the collected RAM into several categories as follows:
  1. Sort by Type
  • SIMMS - Automatic Recycle.
  • RAMBUS - Automatic Recyle.
  • CRIMMS (spacer sticks for RAMBUS boards) - Automatic Recycle.
  • SODIMMS (Laptop) - Take to "Laptop Incoming RAM" bin in Laptop Build.
  • SDRAM - Set aside to sort by size and speed.
  • DDR - Set aside to sort by size and speed.
  • DDR2 - Set aside to sort by size and speed.
  • DDR3 - Store in TARDIS until we are able to test - No board is available as yet.
  1. Sort for ECC
  • Separate out all ECC RAM from the SDRAM, DDR, and DDR2 that has been retained for further processing - take to "ECC Incoming RAM" bin in Server Build.
  1. Sort by Speed
  • SDRAM -
PC 100 - Automatic Recycle.
PC 133 - Set aside to sort by size.
  • DDR -
PC 1600 (200 MHz) - Only two examples have ever been received - Recycle.
PC 2100 (266 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
PC 2700 (333 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
PC 3200 (400 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
  • DDR2 -
PC2 3200 (400 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
PC2 4200 (533 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
PC2 5300 (667 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
PC2 6400 (800 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
PC2 8500 (1066 MHz) - Set aside to sort by size.
PC2 9600 (1200 MHz) - None has been received as yet. Store in TARDIS until a test board is available.
Pair the Device
  • First, make sure that the bluetooth USB dongle is plugged into your testing computer.
  • This is where you will need to find out how to pair the device, try googling 'how to pair *make model #*'. Once the device is in pairing mode open bluetooth preferences (System>Preferences>Bluetooth) and select 'add new device...' proceed until it has you select detected devices at which point you should see your device, highlight and continue.
  • The device should now come out of pairing mode and should appear in the bluetooth preferences window with a paired icon present (lookes like a plug in a socket just to the right of the listed device name).
Configure Device for Input/Output
  • Right-click on the sound mixer icon in the top panel and select 'Preferences'.
  • Go to the 'Input' and 'Output' tabs and highlight the bluetooth device that you have paired under 'Choose a device for input/output', this sets the bluetooth device to be used as a headphone/microphone.
Test audio recording and playback Open Sound Recorder (Applications>Sound&Video>Sound Recorder) and record a short test clip (MAYDAY MAYDAY WE ARE GOING DOWN!!!) and then play it back.

If everything is working correctly you should hear your test clip played back to you through the headset.

Affix sticker Initial a 'Tested by' sticker and stick it to the device in a way that it will be easily removable later. Try sticking it to your jeans or shirt first, it makes the sticker a little less sticky. Once you are done testing devices make sure to place them in the box to go to the store.