Jake Job Description

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The Printer Coordinator is responsible for the maintenance and expansion of the printer repair, reuse and recycling program at Free Geek. This program is one of our major sources of income.

The Printer Coordinator also needs to recruit, train and draw on a volunteer base for the printer program. Like our build program, the printer repair program will be an educational opportunity for our volunteers.

In addition the Printer Coordinator participates in general Free Geek operations, being able to substitute for other collective members and fill in where needed. He/She also cross trains other collective members so that they will be able to cover gaps in the printer program.

This is a job in a worker collective. Your first three to six months would be as a provisional member of the collective. At the end of that time our decision whether or not to bring you on as a permanent collective member will be made through a peer review process.

Specific duties:

  • Evaluate and repair inkjet and laser printers for reuse/resale.
  • Organize printerland (coordinate with Reuse and Recycling Programs).
  • Develop and coordinate a training program for volunteers to learn printer evaluation and repair. Delegate, delegate, delegate!
  • Recruit and coordinate volunteers to run the printer repair program.
  • Develop and document procedures in a manner consistent with FREE GEEK's existing documentation efforts.
  • Research current value of equipment for resale (work with sales coordinator).
  • Salvage and evaluate inkjet cartridges and laser printer toner cartridges for reuse/resale. Work with re-manufacturers to arrange sale of salvaged stock.
  • Attend meetings as necessary.
  • Learn procedures for other parts of Free Geek and fill in as necessary.
  • Work, and teach volunteers to work, in most areas at Free Geek. This includes spending time in Advanced Testing, Build, Pre-build, teaching basic computer skills, teaching basic computer hardware identification, overseeing printerland, covering the Front Desk and assisting with Technocrats.
  • Actively identify operational problems and work with staff members, volunteer supervisors, and core volunteers to create and enact solutions
  • Document as necessary, which will be often
  • Proactively communicate issues as they arise


  • 26.5 hours a week


  • This is a committed position wherein Jake commits to working for one year and Free Geek offers health benefits and a week of paid vacation to him.