Job Organization

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Schema Notes

  • each role is a discrete unit of related tasks (or job duties) that need to be performed
  • put together, all the roles describe all the work that needs to be done at Free Geek
  • roles may supervise or report to other roles as needed
  • each role will usually have associated:
    • needed experiences (for example from a past job)
    • needed certificates (such as a drivers license)
    • needed technical knowledge (computer literacy, etc.)
    • accountabilities (job duties)
    • competencies (skills and abilities)
  • a role must be filled in one of three ways, depending on what we need and what we can afford:
    1. assigned to a single job description (single responsible person)
    2. assigned to more than one job description, usually two (co-responsible persons)
    3. assigned to a committee (when greater shared responsibility is desired, or when we can't afford to hire for an important job)
  • each job description has one or more person assigned to it

How does this work?

To create a full job description, we would select the roles that go into it, and compile all the accountabilities (job duties), competencies, and "needed" stuff associated with each role. This would tell us what would go in a full job description.

To create a job advertisement we could summarize the full job description as desired, and ad any introductory text and benefits language we like.

If we are unable to hire for a role due to financial constraints, we would need to decide if we could "disable" the role -- that is not do it. Much of the time this will not be an option, and we would need to assign the role to someone's job description, or at least a committee for oversight. For example, we could want to hire an HR person, but due to financial constraints we are forced to assign this role to a committee (HR).

There will be some roles that are designed to apply to many people, for example all staff or all workers in a particular category. These would simply be included in the appropriate job descriptions. Such roles would be named things like "area coordinator" or "all workers", etc.

Divisions or Departments

Committees could be in departments (or divisions), which are mostly conceptual at this point. There are at least two divisions:

  1. administrative services -- the things we need to do to be a functioning organization, but don't say what we are actually doing, for example:
    • HR
    • Internal Tech Support
    • Facilities Maintenance
  2. program activities -- the things that explain what the organization does, its main activities and reason for existence, for example:
    • all the production related work
    • education program
    • thrift store

The program activities division could be subdivided if desired, for example:

  • production related
  • education related
  • sales related
  • warehouse related