Hardware Grants What We Can Give Out List

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Item Can We Give It Out Waitlist Location Notes People
Freekboxen Yes No Ready to Go System Shelf
FG-PDXs Yes. No. Ready to Go FG-PDX System Shelf. Can only go out to schools and organizations within the Portland city limits.
High Ends No. No. These are small in number and are big money makers for the store.
Regulars No. No. Give them a Freekbox.
Laptops (PCs) Yes Yes-Laptop Land Laptop closet An organization can receive up 3 laptops every three months.
G3 (CRT All in ones) Yes. Yes. Talk to Macland Coordinator.
G4 (iLamps) Yes. Yes-Macland. Macland Production will revisit this in a few months to make sure that there is a steady supply going to the store.
G5 Probably not. Yes-Macland. Production will revisit this in a few months to make sure that there is a steady supply going to the store. Check with Macland Coordinator.
Laptop (Macs) No. These are few and far between and they get snapped up from the store like that **finger snap**.
Servers (non-multi core) Yes. No. Directly from server build. If not there, then check the store. Server triage form needs to be completed. Check server build and see if they have anything that will fit the build. Then check the store. If you cannot find anything that will work, submit the specs to Vagrant. Vagrant will let us know what we can/cannot do.
Servers (multi core) No. No.
Server racks No. No. The server racks that we do get in are usually pretty beat up. There is also a storage problem with keeping large items for grants.
CRT Monitors Yes Yes-Warehouse Tested CRT Monitor Shelves in Warehouse An organization can receive up 3 CRT monitors every three months. Right now the LCD list is moving faster than the CRT list. The store does not care if they ever see CRT monitors again.
LCD Monitors Yes Yes-LCD Testing Hardware Grants Shelf in Warehouse An organization can receive up 3 LCD monitors every three months. Specs for grant LCD monitors: up to 17", beige or cosmetically damaged. Testers will put a note on the monitor if they are damaged.
Printers, Scanners, Etc.
Printers and Multi-function Printers Yes Yes-Printerland Various shelves around the building. The Hardware Grants Instructor allocates them and brings them to the Hardware Grants shelf. The store does not care if Grants has priority for printers.
Scanners Occasionally. Yes-Printerland Various shelves around the building. The Hardware Grants Instructor allocates them and brings them to the Hardware Grants shelf. Printerland doesn't test a lot of scanners, so there may be a wait. The store does not care if Grants has priority for printers.
FAX Machine As is. Yes-Printerland. Various shelves around the building. The Hardware Grants Instructor allocates them and brings them to the Hardware Grants shelf. Printerland no longer tests FAX Machines, so it may be better to ask for a multi-function printer w/ FAX. There is no demand for fax machines in the store.
Hard Drives
IDE Hard Drives (Desktop) Yes. No. Store or TARDIS.
SATA Drives (Desktop) No. No.
All Laptop Hard Drives No. No.
External Hard Drives No. No. We don't see very many of these and we don't have the capacity to format drives for them. They are also cheap to buy new.
SDRAM (Desktop) Yes. No.
DDR 1 (Desktop) Yes. Under 512 mbs. No. Store or TARDIS. Grant recipients can use friend discount if they need something above 512.
DDR 2 (Desktop) No. No. Grant recipients can use friend discount.
Rambus No. No. We no longer test it. Ask Vagrant.
Server RAM Maybe. No. Ask Vagrant.
Laptop RAM Maybe. See notes below. No. SDRAM: No; DDR: No; DDR2: Probably. Ask laptop instructor.
Video Cards Maybe. See note. No. Try A/T first. Then go to store. AGP: Yes; PCI-e: No; PCI: No.
Sound Cards Yes. No. A/T or the Store.
Wireless Cards No. No. Friend discount.
Network Cards Yes. No.
Network Devices
Wireless Routers, Firewires, USB Dongles, Industrial network devices No. No.
Switches, Non-wireless routers,PCE or MCIA Cards Maybe. Check store.
Access Points Yes. No. Untested.
USB Hubs, KVM Switches Yes. No.
If the store doesn't have what you need, utilize the special requests board in A/T and e-mail the A/T list (advancedtesting@lists.freegeek.org).
Keyboards and Mice
PS2 Keyboards and Mice Yes No Warehouse (Hardware Grants Storage Area)
USB Keyboards and Mice Maybe No Check Testing Area in Receiving, then check store backstock. If granting a system, give recipients PS2s if the system can use them. If it's an independent grant, find out if they really need USBs or if PS2s would suffice.
Wireless Keyboards and Mice No.
Speakers and Headphones
Powered Speakers No No These are saved for adoption.
Speakers that only connect to a computer If available No Receiving Check the box in receiving to see if any are available. Utilize the special requests board and e-mail receiving list (receiving@freegeek.org).
Home Entertainment Speakers ? ?
Computer Headphones Yes No Store
Digital Cameras Yes No There is a stash of cameras for hardware grants in the wooden hardware grants drawer in the monkey house. Put the name of the grant on one when allocating it and make sure that no one else has already allocated it. Ask Tom who tests them for more when the stash runs out.
Web Cams No No There is a high demand in the store for these.