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new todo list

  • tracking builder status:
    • Alan's email, about giving credit for machines that couldn't get to the printme stage. ugh.
  • #21991 Mini printme script
  • #14227 Fix docs on how to install FGdb
  • #12482 ease recording hours under multiple types on a given day
  • #19348 csv output on searches
  • #19190 emails get held up (and released)
  • #20603 squeeze fgdb.rb
  • #21827 request: status for invoice indicating we have written it off
  • #21768 rootmail borked on several systems
  • #20524 Bug report button in printme process
  • #21983 eliminate old line item code
  • #21466 Certificates of destruction / data destruction verification
  • General_scheduling_application#Remaining_Todos

how I want to handle things

  • handle all small tasks as they come in.
  • aim for release every two weeks, with the queues outlined below
  • try to stay on track with the expected release dates and catch up if get behind
  • eliminate ASS/fgdiag/etc todo lists so can focus on fgdb.rb

not fgdb

  • make the vnc laptop more magic
    • have it restart networking before connecting each time, and set up /etc/network/interface like my laptop to use wired if plugged in then fall back to wireless
      • don't pass -C to the ssh that the data goes through when wired
    • run a sound daemon on the laptop and forward it to blip with ssh port forwarding, then add a with-laptop-sound wrapper script (so run "with-laptop-sound totem") on blip that will set the env vars correctly. also run ssh on the localhost interface on the laptop and port forward that too (so I can get to alsamixer somehow). make a with-laptop-alsamixer script to "ssh laptop alsamixer".
    • when catching an error, give the option to restart networking, drop into a shell, retry, or abort. (and loop until abort or success)
  • other todos
    • get caps lock fixed on blip and ryan52-lappy
    • get a normal ssh key on blip
  • User:Ryan52/maintenance
  • ASS
    • #19519 configure tech support machines
  • old ASS
    • #18267 RT Bug with creating tickets with images.
    • #16697 RT requires multiple logins
    • #17664 make diskless xterm default font size bigger
    • #17554 update https/imaps certificate before june
  • disktest
    • #19172 Reading SMART device error log for HDD testers
  • keyboard tester
    • #15784 Newfangled keyboard tester addition request/issues
    • #16161 additional function keys (F13 - F16) as well as the volume/eject keys to (volume up/down/mute keys)
    • #16162 Macs: the equal (=) sign on the number pad never shows up as working
    • #16164 screenshots of each layout and the settings screen

queue + 2

  • restoring the production database from backups apparently gets rid of all triggers and fucks everything up...
    • check the db dump commands. also should make the daily and the hourly more similar. blah...
  • #19495 Extracting Info from Database
  • #19359 use a hash thingy for store credits
  • #19360 search for store credits
  • #19348 csv output on searches
  • make store people happy with store credits
    • replace ID's with checksums
    • make a search for store credits, not gizmo returns, and associate store credits with contacts, so they can be searched for
    • add to the store credit validation to compare contacts, and to warn if they are different, and to error if the checksum is invalid
    • see doc/checksum.rb
  • #19121 search by contribution
  • #19088 turn covered on for sales
  • fix up the worker type editing interface
    • fix dedupping
    • click on a date or worker_type in old records should put it into the form
    • make it ajax
    • check that I didn't break anything with the fix for #18319
    • fix odd bug with leaving a NULL in the end date in the middle that richard reproduced. steps:
      • set them to be "nother" from point A to C.
      • set them to be "collective" from point C to point D.
      • add in an inactive that goes from point B to point C, between the two.
  • reports for taxes and workers comp
  • #17796 database - Committed Hours & PTO
  • #18537 add results of battery test to printme
  • #18316 graphic reports are resource hogs
  • #18266 default the individual report and logging staff hours forms
  • #17932 tricky to log 0 hours when the schedule expects hours
  • use store credit like things for gift certificates
  • #14985 privilege to role mapping for database users
    • User:Ryan52/roles
    • ack "(requires_(role|staff)|is_staff|has_role)" app/
    • #16933 privileges for tech support role
    • #15050 people with TECH_SUPPORT role should imply the CONTACT_MANAGER
    • #17210 store or at least store admin should imply contact manager
  • link to old system IDs on the systems page as well
  • get fgdb.rb able to be set up by new freegeeks and new coders
    • #15523 fgdb can't be set up from scratch atm (broken devel data)
    • #14227 Fix docs on how to install FGdb
  • cashier code enhancements
    • #16671 ask for cashier code on destroy
      • want to redo destroy in fgdb anyway
    • #16672 permissions verification should be done on the ajax forms against cashier code
    • #16673 eleminate cashier_created_by?
    • #15498 should not recheck the same cashier code
    • #18046 cashier code on disbursements?

queue + 3

  • handle expired store credits in a smart way
  • #17255 overtime report
  • #17031 integrate meeting-minder functionality into skedjulnator
  • Replace SOAP usage with [1]

queue + 4

  • #14861 swap computers (tech support)
  • db cleanups
    • gizmo_types.effective_on has a silly default
    • workers.contact_id needs to be unique
    • users.contact_id needs to be unique
    • flatten contact_method_types (add a category)
    • created_at should be NOT NULL
  • changes to the contact widget
    • need to think this through.
    • should take these tickets into account:
      • #13061 auto search for contacts when creating a contact
      • #14840 contact search kinda sucks
      • #14827 FGDB: force search on create
      • #14828 FGDB feature request #2
      • #15034 add show more button on contact search
  • fix up form_has_not_been_edited
    • #15921 form_has_not_been_edited isn't called on edit links, I think
    • #15922 form_has_not_been_edited shouldn't be called on destroy
  • #16108 gizmo_types with same name and different effective date ranges should act sanely in reports


  • go through remaining trac tickets:
  • old TODO list
  • my crazy ideas that will just make fgdb.rb that much more awesome
    • #16514 create a plugin that will improve partial updates (by freezing attributes)
    • #16513 create a plugin which will make records associated by has_many (optionally?) saved when the parent record is saved
      • looks like it's already in rails itself... :autosave
        • need to test though. and why did none of the sites that I found in the process of figuring this out show it?
  • release utilities
    • get continuation to work with multiple branches
    • get continuation running with test-migrate
    • the auto-update script is connected to my home dir (because of the devel checkout), but it shouldn't be.
    • I want all changes on a release_X.X.X branch (after the initial branch) to get their own tag. this would involve running ./script/mini-release (new script?) when making a direct change, and this would affect the output of ./script/version. mini-release would also close the ticket(s) (by pushing the tag, I guess). also, this would mean that pushes on release_X.X.X branches wouldn't close the tickets. this would also affect the changelog workflow probably.
  • I wonder, could we have root mail go to an RT queue.

laptop todo