Website User Guide

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You can also find a recent version of the site map on the wiki:

For the absolute latest, you can log into wp-admin and go here:


Most news and current events are best put on the site as posts, not pages. The basic formatting is the same, but the results will appear in different places on the site.

Because this allows for the same info to be presented in different places, and in different formats, posts allows for much more control over presentation.

Displaying Posts on a Page

On the page you want to add posts to, look just below the main editing space to find "Custom Fields" area. From the dropdown menu, select fg_cat_id. This invokes a bit of code that displays posts from a particular category at the bottom of the page (below any content you've added). After selecting this, you need to specify which category/ies you want to appear.

Each category has a unique ID #. Eventually, these will all be documented here, but for the time being you can find this by:

  1. going here
  2. mousing over the category you want to include
  3. looking at the link in the bottom/left of your browser. There you will see a giant URL for that category:

The only number that matters to you is the last bit, after "ID=" This is the category ID you will need to include in the custom fields, under "value." Add any categories you want to appear on the page, then click "save." View the page to verify it does what you want.

You may very well want to limit the number of posts that appear. Default is to display all the posts, which could be longer than you want.

Under custom fields, select Add New Custom Field, and from the dropdown select "fg_numberposts." Then specify the number you want under "value" and save.

category ID #s (how to find)

Category Descriptions

I will try to add the basic descriptions of each category here over time. In the meantime, you can log into the site, and under the "posts" heading in the sidebar, click "categories." Or just click here

From there, you can see a brief description of each category. It will not show youwhere this post will appear, though.

You can see which categories a post is in (and edit these) by looking at the edit view for the post, in the right hand sidebar.

Front Page News (catID=23)
Anything put in this category will appear on the home page.