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< User:Schwam
Revision as of 20:36, 21 September 2011 by Schwam (talk | contribs) (New page: {{User:Schwam/graphvizstart}} {{User:Schwam/graphvizmain}} {{User:Schwam/graphvizend}})
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This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.


 digraph Eval2 {
  node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="10"]
  edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
  start         [label="START HERE", 
                  label_es="INICIAR AQUI",
                  shape="box", style="bold", color="purple"]
  green         [label="This is a\nGREEN LIGHT COMPUTER",
                  label_es="Esto es una\nCOMPUTADORA GREEN LIGHT", 
  recycle       [label="We are going to RECYCLE this one.\nGet REASON FOR RECYCLE label\n(CIRCLE the reason you got here)",
                 label_es="Nosotros vamos a RECICLAR esto.\nObtenga una etiqueta REASON FOR RECYCLE \nY CIRCULE la razón que se encuentra en la etiqueta)", shape="box"]
  not_done      [label="You're not done yet!",
                   label_es="No esta terminado todavia!",
  main_chart    [label= "Go back to main chart",
                  label_es= "Regrese al diagrama principal", 
                  shape="box", style="dashed", color="red"]
  blowncaps     [label="Are there any\nBLOWN CAPS?",
                   label_es="¿Puede usted ver cualquier\nBLOWN CAPS?"]
  dual_core     [label="Is it a\nDUAL CORE\nsystem?",
                   label_es="¿Es esto un\nsystema\nDUAL CORE?"]
  fast_enough2  [label="Does it have a\n2.6 GHz or faster proc?\n(or an AMD proc with a\nmodel # of\n2600 or greater?)",
                   label_es="¿Es veloz?\n¿Tiene esto un\nproc 2.6 GHz o más rápido ?\n(o un proc AMD con\nun modelo #2600 o mayor?)"]
  start        -> blowncaps
  blowncaps    -> dual_core  [label="NO"]
  blowncaps    -> recycle [label="YES", label_es="SÍ"]
  dual_core    -> fast_enough2 [label="NO"]
  dual_core    -> green  [label="YES", label_es="SÍ"]
  fast_enough2 -> green [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
  fast_enough2 -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  green -> not_done
  recycle -> not_done
  not_done -> main_chart
