Rwlove cli

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1) Intro

* Myself- qualification, only volunteer
* System - network boot, command line basics (user,host,pwd)

2) Basic Options

* ls
* ls -l
* go over columns in long output, permissions if the class is savvy
* explain hidden files, they're not malicious
* ls -a
* see the hidden files
* how to know what options are available, man ls
* man man question

3) Manual pages

* navigation - up, down, pgup, pgdown, home, end, q, right, left, don't get lost over to the right!
* SYNOPSIS - bracketed items, non bracketed items, ...
* DESCRIPTION - short and long style options, show '-a' see it describes the behavior we saw
* q, to quit
* ls --all, see it's the same as '-a'

4) Advanced Options

* ..., meant more than one option, do 'ls -l -a'
* why do '--all' when you can get away with '-a' 5 vs 2 keystrokes
* multiple options, 'ls -la'
* cannot do this with long style options
* can do short-condensed and long-not-condensed
* add more options, 'ls -lah', 'ls -lahQ'
