TS Tickets Survey

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Results of broad searches through tech support RT to see the relationships between what we deal with.

Very Rough searches, can be easily tweaked but these will give us an overview. Searches also cover all tickets in the Tech Support queue (7 years worth)

Graphics and Video related issues

Search titles of tickets for one or more of the following terms: video graphics display screen monitor

413 tickets


Search terms: internet network modem connection

538 Tickets

User Interface

Terms: panel interface cursor key keyboard mouse

165 Tickets

134 without the word key, which may have brought in some other tickets


Terms: boot

336 Tickets This one is a little iffy because some refer to booting up the bios, others to starting ubuntu, and it looks like more yet to just starting the interface.

All to give us a very rough idea of what we deal with, with more specific search parameters I think we could find more. This obviously doesn't represent all 7000+ tickets