Council 2005 06

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June 15, 2005

Committments from Previous Meeting

  • ALL: frequent the wiki and discuss the board and space usage issues.
  • Michael (phil), envada isp: carry-over
  • Action: vehicle pickups is troublesome and hasn't really been worked out, except to have a staff member drive and be on insurance.

Reports from Other Meeting

  • Staff Reports - ask
  • Core Volunteer Reports - ask the people you see all the time at FG
  • NAP update
  • PAWC report

Old Business

(from previous meeting's minutes)

New Business

Hiring report

Future Committments

(This is not a part of the meeting, but a section in the notes that the scribe write down.)

  • Carryovers from above
  • Committments made during this meeting

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator
  • Scribe
  • Reporters to other meetings?
  • Date and time
  • Place
  • Unfinished business for the next meeting?