Staff Hardware Disbursement Guideline

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This policy is intended to clarify ambiguities in disbursing Staff members FG systems for personal and professional use, and to make concrete the parameters of the systems available to staff.

This policy was formally adopted by the Collective on 11 May 2012.


Staff Laptops

Collective, Regular, Temporary, and NPA staff members can have one laptop at time disbursed to them for personal and professional use while employed at Free Geek. The system can be built up to current Laptop Build High End specifications, pending availability and verbal approval from a Reuse Coordinator.

Staff are allowed to exchange their systems at any time, pending availability. Special requirements (advanced specifications, unique features, long battery-life, etc.) will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

All staff laptops must be disbursed by a Reuse Coordinator.

Upon termination of employment at Free Geek, staff who have been employed for more than 6 months may adopt their staff laptop as a personal machine. The system will be warrantied as a Hardware Grant system according to current Tech Support policy, effective one business day after the staff member's final shift.

Temporary staff members and staff who have worked for less than six months are required to return their laptops upon termination of employment along with other materials issued them.

Staff Desktops

Immediately upon hire, all staff (Collective and all worker categories outlined in the CBA) may be disbursed a Freekbox, with the standard selection of peripherals, for personal use.

After six months of employment, Collective, Regular, and NPA staff may be disbursed up to a High End-equivalent desktop system once per year, along with standard Freekbox peripherals (e.g., 15-17" LCD monitor, keyboard, mouse, speaker set). A High End-equivalent system qualifies as any desktop that would normally be found on the High End shelf near the Classroom.

All staff desktops, and included peripherals, intended for personal use must be disbursed by a Reuse Coordinator.

Requests for a desktop system to be used for Free Geek business (e.g., special projects, day-to-day tasks, etc) should be directed to