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Build Instructor Training 6/14/12

In attendance

Steven, Sean, Jason Owen, Max, Gerardo, Gordon, Sam, Blaine, Keith, Allan, Estela, Daisy, Kevin, Kurt, Nate, Brett

Facilitating: Amelia

Scribing: Liliana

Place: Free Geek Meeting Room


Instructors newly trained since February: Kevin & Sam. Welcome to the team guys!

Review of last instructor training and commits, February 2012 Build Category, see "Build Instructor Trainings"

  • Showed instructors where minutes are located on the wiki
  • Reviewed Laptop QC Sign-Off process and common cosmetic issues with systems sent to the store
  • Disbursement Procedures (please be conscientious about classes in session when sourcing take-home gizmos from the classroom)

Amelia's Commit/Project follow-ups

  • Wiki page for instructional modules has been created, located here:
  • Tech Support Warranty flier is being completed and when it's finished, should be included w/ disbursement materials.
  • Documentation projects: Kurt created a module on Linux installs, Amelia will follow up with Mary on visual appendix and with Jeffrey on UI customization

Transitioning Build Instructor Positions into Internships

  • Typically at Free Geek: Interns have a clearly defined start and end date and work more closely with their supervisor.
  • Build hasn't worked that way, but will be moving towards that. Internships will have a set time and will do applications online, and interview with Amelia (or someone else). Any current volunteer who has been working with us in this less structured format will be "grandfathered" in and won't have to worry about re-applying. Just remember to give us a heads up when you decide to leave.
  • Interns need to sign a confidentiality form for setting expectations re: data security as well as basic behavioral guidelines (Forms sent around the room)
  • Q&A session:
    • What about TARDIS? This will be a separate process. TARDIS is not included in this contract because not every instructor has a T-Key.
    • Will there be a minimum time limit? Yes. Minimum 3 months.
    • Will there be a chance for volunteers to shadow before starting? Perhaps. We want to make sure people are okay in the position before signing away the next 3 months and minimize their risk of committing to a position that won't be a good fit for them.

Build procedures review/orientation