2012 September Newsletter

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Hardware Grants Serve our Robot Overlords

In addition to keeping school computer labs and classrooms running with quality refurbished Ubuntu-based computers, the Free Geek Hardware Grants program provides systems to various after-school and school-related programs. Recently, we were happy to provide much-needed materials to FIRST Robotics Competition Team 1432, the original Portland-based FIRST Robotics Competition robotics team (http://team1432.org/). Team 1432, also known as Mahr's Metal Beavers, was founded by Franklin High School teacher Peter Mahr with five of his advanced metals students. While at Franklin High School for the subsequent seven years, they helped keep several at-risk students interested and involved in school, helping one student attain a full-ride scholarship for an engineering degree at Portland State University.

As one might expect, running a successful robotics club can be an expensive proposition. Fortunately, Team 1432 has garnered much support from various businesses that have an invested interest in employing local highly skilled problem-solvers. Even with this support, the members of Team 1432 wisely look to the Free Geek Hardware Grants program to satisfy their needs for computer equipment to help them create, pilot, and share the successes of their competition-grade robots.

According to their recently completed Hardware Grants request: "The computer parts on this list will help us finish a computer capable of running Autodesk software and we can have another one enabling three students at a time to learn Autodesk Inventor and PTC, a C.A.D. modeling program. This will aid us in building our robot and teaching students highly desirable job skills. The items on this list will also help us with our robot presentations during the year and for years to come. The projector will show a slide show about our program and what we have done at schools, and during community outreach activities. The laptop will allow us to control our robot during the events we go to throughout the year. (Events like the Marion County Fair, Multnomah County Fair, school visitations and other neighboring community events.)"

Team 1432 patiently waited for two months as we worked to source and provide them with: four desktops with dual core processors, two laptops, a projector, two touchscreen monitors, two headsets and various other miscellaneous components. With our assistance, these youth are able to explore new possibilities in robotics and continue to participate in robotics competitions. Of course, it doesn't hurt when they give us wonderful feedback that reminds us why we keep on providing a valuable service to our community: "We appreciate all of the support that Free Geek has given us in the past and have always proudly displayed your logo on our robot and mentioned you on our website. Your support has made it possible for us to participate in the FIRST robotics program and that is changing our lives. We can't begin to tell you thanks enough. Many thanks for [all] that you have done, made possible and continue to do."