Template:Laptop Input Testing

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These testing steps determine if the laptop keyboard, trackpad, and mouse buttons are functioning properly.
☐ Boot to the network menu. Refer to the Laptop Evaluation guide if you need help with this step.
☐ Select Hardware Testing >> Keyboard.
☐ Select Settings and switch the keyboard layout to Laptop
☐ Switch back to Keyboard
☐ Press each key to test, you should see the color change on the screen. Once all keys have been tested, switch to Mouse testing.
☐ Follow the instructions on the screen to test the trackpad and mouse buttons.

  • Scrolling functions may not be available, as drivers run by the operating system are needed.
  • If you have multiple mouse buttons on the keyboard/trackpad, hit Reset to test the second set.
  • Be sure to test the keyboard pointing stick, if there is one. It will look like a big colored dot in the middle of the keyboard.

What to do if something doesn't work

  • If any keys are non-functional, consult with your instructor. They may have you clean the keyboard, replace some keys, or replace the whole keyboard.
  • If the trackpad or mouse buttons are finicky or non-functional, consult with your instructor.