Educational Documents

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Revision as of 13:36, 26 December 2012 by Liliana (talk | contribs)
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We'd like to have some educational documents which we could hand out to customers. Some ideas which have been brought up include:

  • How to format a hard drive
  • How to determine what type and how much memory you need/can get for your computer
  • How to upgrade your processor - desktop
  • How to install a wireless card
  • How to upgrade your video - what do you need it for? Gaming, image/video editing, determining if you have PCI, AGP or PCI-E
  • How to replace a power supply - desktop
  • How to replace a power adapter - laptop for sure, maybe monitor too?
  • Basic troubleshooting - what to do if computer doesn't turn on, video is choppy, network isn't working etc.
  • Difference between switch, router and a hub
  • How to network a windows and ubuntu linux computer
  • How to figure out what kind of computer will meet your needs
  • What cable do I need to connect X to Y? (with pictures of connectors, etc)
  • What program do you recommend for fixing my problem? (a list of non crapware software for finding out system specs, removing viruses, recovering lost files, etc)

Some of these have been made by others: