Video tutorials

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This is a list of the video tutorials currently available. Feel free to put them anywhere on the wiki that they might be of use. All videos are under Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0


how to setup the medibuntu repository (needed for DVD movies)
how to install libdvdcss2 for DVD movie playing
how to extract (rip) an audio cd using rhythmbox


how to install restricted extras (java, flash, multimedia plugins, and fonts)

Using Email:

Setting up evolution with gmail


Setting up Sun's Java plugin (non-free)
Setting up IceTea Java plugin

Wine related:

how to setup and install the stable version of wine from ubuntu's repositories
how to install the latest version of wine from
how to setup wine using winecfg
how to install wine-doors

General stuff:

using panels | part two
find and install new software (example is video editing program avidemux)
how to update your system
how to add a new user account
how to change system fonts

Using Pidgin:

setting up aim
setting up yahoo
setting up MSN and adding a buddy

Video hosting bandwidth has been donated by Chris and

Request for other videos are always welcome, and can go on the discussion page, or email evilgold at freegeek dot org.

All videos can be found at