Wireless Keyboard & Mice Testing

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Revision as of 16:42, 26 June 2013 by RyanDodd (talk | contribs)
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  • Only keep wireless keyboards and mice that have USB dongle type recievers. Just like anything else, if it looks particularly nice keep it.
  • You will need:
  • - Bag with USB dongles
  • - AA and AAA batteries
  • First open the keyboard tester:
  • - terminal> wx-keyboard-tester
  • Most dongles, mice, and keyboards will have a "connect" button on them. After pluging the usb stick into the computer you will press the connect button on *the USB stick. A light should flash. Now press the connect button on the keyboard and/or mouse.
  • The keyboard and/or mouse should now be paired and can be tested in the keyboard tester.
  • Recycle if:
  • - Any keys do not work
  • - Keyboard or mouse is extremely dirty
  • - uses PS2 inputs