Building a Harddrive Wiping and Testing Station

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This document is waaaay out of date - Patrick 6/19/12


This page is being migrated to a documnent of Free Geek's Google Drive.
Once the migration is done, we will post a link to the new page.

Make Your Boxes

We use dummy boxes that boot off the network with two hot-swap harddrive trays each.

Keep it Modular

We're moving our advanced testing area, so we thought we'd make some of the hardrive wipers/testers a little more modular. We got a some aluminum rolling shelves and organized our wires so that a couple of power strips and a network cable would be the only things hanging off of it.

KVM + Network Hub is Easy

That is, unless one of your wires is dead. We recommend testing the setup a bit before getting all the wires neatly cable-tied.

Plug It In

Cable tying the power strips to the underneath of the shelves works pretty nicely and it keeps the power cords out of the way. Plug everything in and cross your fingers.