Safety Tips By Area

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  • do not put heavy items on top shelves
  • keep aisles clear


  • Know your lifting ability. Monitors are often heavy; remember that it is ok to ask someone to help you.
  • Keep an eye on carts with monitors on the top level to prevent them from tipping over, especially if they are too near the edge of the sidewalk.
  • Do not pack monitor gaylords alone, this is a 2 person job.
  • When cutting wire, particularly wallwarts, use insulated clippers.
  • If you do get hurt, please inform a staff member immediately, even if it seems like something little. We just want to make sure you are ok.


  • keep objects out of pathway.
  • keep box lids tucked inside and out of path ways.
  • keep floor swept and free of objects to avoid slipping.

Between Here and There

  • keep sidewalk pathway clear of donated items and paper or other items that may cause slipping.