Council 2005 07

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Council Meeting July 20 2005

The Agenda

  • Call the meeting to order
    • Are the scribe (Shawn) and facilitator (laurel) there?
    • Note attendance
  • Check in
    • How's everyone doing?
  • Commitments from Previous Meeting
    • recommend envada -- Knowledge Bees
    • blind/vi project -- martin and Wes (carryover)
    • wiki page on truck donors -- Clint
    • boardnetusa -- Clint
    • pickups for pay -- Oso
    • start acceptable use policy for email lists -- Richard
    • (openly) meet and draw up new bylaws -- bylaws group (wren, Richard, JeffKane, Oso)
    • will talk to MNR about council's thoughts on bylaws --Oso
  • New Business
    • New education coordinator -- laurel
    • Bylaws presentation
    • Homestreet/Meyer Trust status
    • Add new agenda items here! -- your name
  • Next Meeting
    • Facilitator, Scribe, Reporters to other meetings?, Date and time, Place, Unfinished business for the next meeting?

The Minutes