2005 Budget

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This is the workspace for a budget for the year 2006.

Items to include in a budget

From the RT ticket we have a list of random things that should be included. Some of these may overlap with categories we already have in the books. Some may not even be desired -- this is just a brainstorm for now.

substitute fund
to pay workers to cover for vacation that staff takes, sick days, etc.
hiring expenses
get numbers from this year's hirings, estimate the number of hirings in 2006, and calculate
vacation payoffs
how many people will be quitting in 2006 (estimate based on past trends, estimate amount of unused vacation, calculate)
nice to have a general fund
what's this mean?
a "staff vacation to breitenbush" fund
ha! sounds fun!
a physical plant fund for maintenance
we should anticipate projects that we might want to accomplish, and look at past expenses for maintenance.
repayment of personal loan
$1,000 per month to starting (April 2005) and ending at the end of 2005 (this will need to be included for a few months if we slip on our 2005 timeline)
re-keying the building
How much? We should do this every year and figure it into budget.
Board and officers insurance
Oso's getting a quote
Credit card processing fees
How much?
food for core breakfast and retreats, etc.
We should estimate how much it would cost to re-establish this practice
shawn wants a $100/mo ad fund
Like for outreach in general? Why $100?

Profit And Loss - 01/01/05 to 07/31/05

To start with, here's a profit and loss statement for January through July 2005. If nothing else is done, we can take these numbers, divide by seven, multiple by twelve, and then add a percentage to allow for growth. (We could calculate the growth percentage by figuring total income and expenses for the first seven months of 2004 and seeing how much we grew in a year.)


  • Income
    • Donations
      • Cash Donations $65,956.80
      • Online Donations $1,921.91
    • Total Donations $67,878.71
    • Education $1,420.00
    • Fundraisers $4,504.54
    • Grants $2,708.25
    • Misc. Income
      • Interest $49.16
      • Space Rental $100.00
      • Tenant Sublets $3,571.00
    • Total Misc. Income $3,720.16
    • Online Sales $1,913.37
    • Recycling
      • E-scrap Recovery $25,519.80
      • Monitor Fees $67,428.60
      • Pickups $175.00
      • Refurbishers $749.42
    • Total Recycling $93,872.82
    • Sponsorship
      • Bolivia $167.70
    • Total Sponsorship $167.70
    • Thrift Store
      • Cash Sales $85,548.09
    • Total Thrift Store $85,548.09
  • Total Income $261,637.64


  • Expenses
    • Adminstration
      • Accounting $1,712.73
      • Liability insurance $2,004.00
      • Volunteer rewards $42.00
      • fees/deposits $399.38
      • mail/postage $76.77
      • printing $326.20
      • program development $642.73
      • supplies $1,049.15
      • transportation $379.51
    • Total Adminstration $6,632.47
    • Auction fees $132.99
    • Build Supplies $2.99
    • Education Entertainment $0.00
    • Education Supplies $0.00
    • Facility
      • Equipment $2,870.99
      • Improvements $1,166.72
      • Maintainance $553.01
      • Rent $46,700.00
      • Supplies $60.52
      • Telecom $1,769.82
      • Utilities $10,316.81
    • Total Facility $63,577.20
    • Fundraisers $2,593.47
    • Laptop Supplies $37.25
    • Merchandise Purchases $374.74
    • Monitor Recycling $27,183.50
    • Parts for online sales $79.64
    • Printers Merchandise $198.24
    • Printers Supplies $4.36
    • Recycling Disposal $108.12
    • Recycling Supplies $67.33
    • Sales Supplies $21.01
    • Shipping $600.44
    • Staff
      • Employee Withholding $20,855.19
      • Health Care $20,716.12
      • Payroll $108,206.97
      • Payroll Taxes $15,123.17
      • Workers Compensation $567.00
    • Total Staff $165,468.45
  • Total Expenses $267,642.20

Bottom Line

  • Profit -$6,004.56

Oops! We lost $6,000 so far this year. The 2006 budget will have to break even.