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What is "beancounting"?

Beancounting is a shift on the Free Geek staff schedule. On this shift staff members count the money from a previous shift's till, transfer it into the safe, and get fresh tills ready for the next shift.

Get the tills from previous shift

There are two tills for the Thrift Store and two for the Front Desk. At the beginning of a shift, one of each is always fresh and ready for the next shift. The other one contains the money and paperwork from the previous shifts. Get the previous shift's tills from the safe and take them to a secure area for counting. Also get the cash box, since you will be tranferring money into it.

If the Front Desk and/or Thrift Store don't have their tills yet, give them the fresh tills that are already prepared.

Check the math on the paperwork

There's a cash drawer accounting worksheet that the cashier fills out at the end of each shift. There are columns for the start and end of day and a column for a transfer amount.

  • The Start column should have been filled out out by the previous beancounter and checked by the cashier on duty. (You may need to triple check the math to make sure the column totals properly.)
  • The End column is filled out at the end of the shift when the cashier is finished with the till. They should count the cash on hand, fill in the appropriate fields, and total it. You need to double check the math.
  • Leave the transfer columnt blank for now.

Count the money in the till

Count the money in the till by denomination. Make certain that the end column accurately reflects what you found in the till. If there are discrepencies, correct the paperwork, making it clear what the cashier wrote down and what your changes are.

Ensure there are enough small bills and coins to make a fresh till

Calculate the shifts receipts

Transfer the money into the cash box

Itemize the money in each till (and box)