New Director Agreement

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This draft is based on a board member agreement that is in place at TryOn Life Community Farm, please poke at it.


  1. I am responsible with the other board members for the health and well-being of Free Geek. I am fiscally and legally responsible for this organization along with other board members. It is my duty to keep abreast of the programs, policies and financial situation at Free Geek.
  2. My focus as a board member is to promote Free Geek's mission of: recycling used technology to provide computers, education, internet access and job skills training to those in need in exchange for community service.
  3. My commitment to this board is for a 2-year term and will probably involve 10 hours per month.
  4. I will attend X board meetings a year. I will come prepared to meetings by following through on my commitments and reading any pertinent materials.
  5. I will maintain council membership and stay abreast of current issues before the council. I understand this entails meeting attendance.
  6. I will attend Board orientation meetings and trainings, general meetings, key conferences and other special meetings.
  7. I will participate in an area of Free Geek's work, such as belonging to or advising a working committee, coordinating an event, leading a program area or overseeing an internal function.
  8. I will actively outreach for Free Geek, and participate in fund-raising efforts to the best of my ability.
  9. I will make what is for me a significant financial donation to the organization annually.
  10. I will inform this board of any conflicts of interest either actual (financial) or perceived. The focus of my involvement on this board is to further our mutual mission rather than any personal agenda.
  11. I understand that each board member brings with them valuable skills and talents, unique information, experiences and community affiliations. I will extend these contributions of my own to carry out the mission.
  12. I will take time to enjoy the Free Geek community, and will strive to make board participation a fun and fulfilling project for myself and others.

No quotas have been set; no rigid standards of measurement and achievement have been formed. We trust each other to carry out the above agreements to the best of our ability, each in our own way, with knowledge, approval and support of all.

As a member of the Free Geek Board, I agree to the above:

Signed: Date:

From Jeff's email

  • Board nominees should be able to act in the best interests of Free Geek, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and it's mission of being "a 501(c)(3) not for profit community organization that recycles used technology to provide computers, education, internet access and job skills training to those in need in exchange for community service."
  • Board nominees should possess the general qualities and qualifications of nonprofit board of directors and be able to perform the necessary governance, legal, fiduciary and other necessary functions.
  • Board members should possess a working knowledge of Free Geek, its mission and operations.
  • It is desirable for some members of the Board to possess expertise in specific areas that will be of assistance in Board functions such as nonprofit governance, financial controls public fiduciary responsibility, and record keeping.
  • Additionaly, the Board when elected will need to select from within its membership three officers; Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer with duties described in the Bylaws. The Board meets at least twice yearly with more meetings possible and at least one meeting in October.

Further Comments from Jeff

I agree completely with the intent of this new Director Contract. However, in it's present form, I would have a problem if I were a new Board member and asked to sign it. My main difficulty would be the legal and or contractual nature that it is currently worded in. I would suggest that some wording changes, while still keeping the importance of the director responsibilities in the forefront would make it more of a flexable document rather than a legal one.

For instance, in section 4 I would suggest wording similar to: As a Board member I will committ to regularly attending Board meetings (with the board meeting a minimum of twice a year and usually more often). I will committ to preparting for these Board meetings.

I would also suggest changing all places where it says "I will" to "I committ" as I think that is a little less legal in form but also keeping to the standard. The important thing to keep in mind here is that most board members should already have a high sense of responsibility and some will already have non-profit experience. --Jkane 12:14, 13 Sep 2005 (PDT)