Alumni giving/Memberships
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membership and alumni
- matthew - martin - kathie
resurrect the membership program, contact by email our old volunteers to request them to become members, set up the infrastructure neccessary to make sure membership can be tracked and renewal notices sent out, and get the front desk and store to actively solicit memberships.
this is about getting continued support and offering more choices for people to participate with us.
keep it polite, use it to remind old volunteers and keep people involved rather than to beg for money. this will also work to get our newsletter into more circulation.
database entry interface for this information, as well as a report. store discounts would also have to be factored in.
who and what:
this would involve the front desk, the store, some coder work, probably help from the volunteer coordinator, our tour guides, and of course our old volunteers. we would also need to have membership cards printed.
membership cards, coder time, and then the continual front desk and store effort.
decide (or remember) the policy for what a membership means. research better ways to do it. give this information to the tour guides and front desk. collect allumni addresses and email them. code a better database interface. create membership cards.
how soon:
have the program set up again by the end of january, then give it another six months before it is clearly making lots of money.
when to measure:
reports could be looked at monthly, at the same time that renewal reminders are sent out.
accuracy of categorization:
longterm effects and possible random events could be high impact, but the expeted behavior is accurate.
a stronger membership program, coupled with continued outreach and communication with old members and program allumni, will have an easily measured short and medium time frame revenue increase, would be a relatively easy thing to start doing, and would pull in continued participation from a larger base of people.