Instagrants Policy

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Revision as of 09:25, 22 December 2004 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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An instagrant is a grant request that can clearly be filled without difficulty and hassle; generally, it's a request for components that we normally have in excess.

From the hardware grants meeting on 4 dec 2004:

Instagranting works like this: It takes two people, preferably one from Production, to OK an instagrant. If you want to instagrant something be prepared to do whatever is necessary to bring the grant to closure. It's OK to ask "Instagrant, right?" on the list and that counts as one person's approval.
[Meeting minutes]

Because of their knowledge of what we have available and in excess, it's good idea to check with a member of the production group if you have doubts about the instagrantability of materials.