Job Activities for Shawn Furst

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Job Title
Volunteer Program Coordinator
Original job description is at Volunteer Program Coordinator

My areas of work


  • Intern program coordination 2-5 hrs/week
Respond to incoming requests: screen and schedule interviews
Update RT and wiki documentation throughout
Deal with anomalies: interns volunteering who haven't applied, 10-hour volunteers, etc.
Create relationships with new outside agencies as necessary
Stay in communication with staff regarding scheduling and incoming interns
Future: schedule quarterly meetings with staff re: interns and program
Documentation: * Volunteer Intern Process for Supervisors * Volunteer Intern Process for Program Coordinators * Volunteer Internships Category
  • Volunteer outreach/recruitment coordination 1 or so hr/week
Keep online postings current and repost as necessary
Call agencies/schools to follow up on postings, make sure we're doing it right, and create a relationship
Documentation: Volunteer Recruitment
  • Website maintenance 2-4 hours/week immediately after rollout, 1-2 hrs/week after that
Documentation: coming soon!
  • Website creation
This won't be continuing after I'm gone. There're some hours for ironing out the wrinkles in website maintenance above.
  • Event coordination 2-10 hours/week starting ~3 months before event
Generally one of 3 or so leads on events. Includes overall coordination and filling in where we have no coordinators for an area - tents, publicity, etc.
Documentation: Events Category
  • Newsletter 4 hours during the month it's written
Call for articles, gather special info (like for annual report, new classes or programs) if appropriate, research "happenings", edit incoming articles, write content, format newsletter
  • Health plan maintenance 5-10 hrs in November, 1-2 hrs/month other months
Put new collective members onto plan; remove outgoing members
Make state continuation arrangements with outgoing members
Ask questions of insurance broker and Kaiser as necessary, document new info
Check invoices/payments
Work with HR and whole of staff once a year to review/change health plan if necessary
Documentation: Health Insurance and on application server fgstaff/health
  • Phone system administration
When new phones go in: coordinate new networking and hardware acquisition and installation, clean and install handsets, update documentation on phones, in fgstaff, and in greetings
Create and teach to use new mailboxen
Record greetings for holidays, etc.
Configure phones as necessary in answer to problems
Documentation: Phones Category, and on application server fgstaff/phones
  • Commies 4 hrs/month
Special requests from outside organizations/groups; also mild tabling coordination

Floor Shifts

  • Front desk - 7 hrs/week
  • Build workshops - 4 hrs/week
  • Prebuild - 1 hr/week
  • Receiving - 3 hrs/week
  • Adoption classes - 2 hrs/week