Speaker Testing

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Howto Flow Chart

Speakers are tested for functionality and good tone. The good ones are then distributed throughout the building (Build, Thrift Store, or Infrastructure.) The ones that don't make the cut are recycled.

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

Please see Advanced Speaker Testing for a more complete description of how to test speakers.

How to Find a Power Adaptor

  • Look at the back of the speaker to try to find out the voltage and current (AC or DC), and try to find a power supply to match. If at all possible, also try to match ampage and speaker brand.
  • If you cannot find power information, try any one that fits to test. If the plug is still not the right voltage or amperage for the speakers, a buzzing sound will happen when you turn the speakers on.

Testing Speakers

  • Make sure the computer at the testing station is turned on. If it isn't, turn it on. If it still won't turn on, make sure the power strip is turned on.
  • Put an audio CD in the CD-ROM drive. It should start automatically. If it doesn't, double click on the icon on the desktop of the computer and then hit play.
  • Find a set of speakers with corresponding power adaptor, as well as a cord to go between the 2 speakers (if a cord is not attached) and a cord to go to the computer (if one is not attached) .
  • Plug the computer into the green sound port on the computer.
  • Adjust the volume as necessary. Listen for quality of tone, and listen for any distortion. If you are in doubt about the sound of any speaker, ask a fellow receiver.
  • If the speakers sound good, rubber band both the speakers and the power supply (and any cords you may have added) and put the whole thing on the upper shelf in the basic testing room.
  • If the speakers do not sound good, or don't make any sounds at all, then recycle them by clipping their cords and putting them in the box labeled Copper Bearing Materials in the main Receiving room. The cord can be put in the metal cart.

Box Signs

Powered Speakers

Subwoofer Speaker Sets

Orphaned Speakers

RCA Speakers

Speakers that only connect to a computer