Talk:Nonprofit Apprenticeships (PPS)

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Seems to me that Job Experience Internships are a way for us to staff a program, not really a program in itself. It's almost like saying that our staff collective members are in a Staffing Program. I would argue for removing this page and thinking of job experience interns as a tool for staffing certain positions. RfS 13:28, 29 November 2006 (PST)

I concur, as the only contributer. I'll add the delete tag to the page. (when deleting we should remove all links to the page first) - Matteo 14:04, 29 November 2006 (PST)

I disagree. A job-training program helps cement the function of the internships we offer. By calling it a program, FG will be able to apply for educational grants to cover the costs of having interns. While it does help staff the floor, I would not approach a perception of interns as merely worker bees covering shifts because if this is our attitude we should do away with the internships alltogether. I'd like to see this program grow and I will update this page shortly. Ali 12:02, 27 February 2007 (PST)

OK. In essence the program definitely supports the mission. Really, the cost would be administrative and the side effect would be a lot more coverage. So I'm supportive and maybe there should be a PPS after all but...
I don't think we need to think about these PPSes as the only way to call something a "program". I think a lot of the PPSes will be for projects, and maybe Program Planning Sheet isn't the best name for this thing. These really are internal documents that we use to make sure we have all the data we need to proceed towards prioritizing something. When we actually get to implement something, especially if it involves an outside funder, then we may need to pharse things differently, collect different information than we care about, etc., and that's more of a proposal or something. RfS 18:56, 27 February 2007 (PST)