Template:Laptop Input Testing

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These testing steps determine if the laptop keyboard, trackpad, and mouse buttons are functioning properly.

☐ Boot to the network menu. Refer to the Laptop Evaluation guide if you need help with this step.
☐ Select Laptop Build → Keyboard and Mouse Testing from the Network Menu list.
☐ Test the Keyboard:

  • Select Settings and switch the keyboard layout to Laptop Keyboard Layout. Hit OK.
  • Press each key to test. You should see the color of the key on the screen start out red, change to yellow when pressed, then change to green and stay there when released. If a key does not change color (or remains yellow even when released), make a note and finish testing the other keys.
  • For some laptop keys, you may need to use the Function (Fn) key in combination with another key, i.e. Fn + Num Lk for Scrl Lk.

☐ Test the trackpad, mouse buttons and pointing stick:

  • Switch to Mouse to test the trackpad functions.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to test the trackpad and mouse buttons.
  • Scrolling functions may not be available, as drivers run by the operating system are needed.
  • If you have multiple mouse buttons on the keyboard/trackpad, hit Reset to test the second set.
  • Be sure to test the keyboard pointing stick, if there is one. It will look like a big colored dot in the middle of the keyboard.

☐ Hit Quit to exit the program once testing is finished, and restart. If you have to swap in a new keyboard or button, make sure to repeat the above steps.

What to do if something doesn't work

  • If any keys are non-functional, consult with your instructor. They may have you clean the keyboard, replace some keys, or replace the whole keyboard.
  • If the trackpad or mouse buttons are finicky or non-functional, consult with your instructor.