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This template creates an infobox with the general information relevant to a Free Geek Startups. The infobox is not designed to contain all the information about a Startup, just the quick facts people usually want to look up.


Simply copy the following code and paste it at the top of the Startup entry, then fill in the blanks.

| org_name        =
| org_logo        =
| homepage        =
| doc             =
| org_email       =   <!-- general email address, eg. info@ -->
| org_phone       =
| address         =   <!--  -->
| location        =   <!--  -->
| org_size        =   <!-- Sq footage -->
| num_employees   =   <!-- Payed staff -->
| num_volunteers  =   <!--  -->
| practice_areas  =   <!-- MAJOR practice areas only; if they do everything "General Practice" -->
| contact         =   <!-- Intergalactic contact  -->
| revenue         =   <!-- amount (year) -->
| date_founded    =   <!--  -->
| ooze            =   <!--  -->
| catalyst        =   <!--  -->
| company_type    =   <!-- e.g.,  -->
| FG_status       =   <!-- eg. Startup, Disolved, Startup W/location -->
  • Address:
  • WWW: {{{homepage}}}
  • Doc: {{{doc}}}
  • Email: {{{org_email}}}
  • Phone: {{{org_phone}}}
Size Info
  • Staff: {{{num_employees}}}
  • volunteers: {{{num_volunteers}}}
  • Areas: {{{practice_areas}}}
  • Size: {{{org_size}}}
  • Revenue: {{{revenue}}}
  • Contact: {{{contact}}}
  • Primordial Ooze: {{{ooze}}}
  • Catalyst: {{{catalyst}}}
  • Date Founded: {{{date_founded}}}
  • Company Type: {{{company_type}}}
  • Free Geek Status: {{{FG_status}}}