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At its core, the Free Geek concept takes two major problems in our world and facilitates their "solving one another."

Computers and the Internet have become resources in our world. Worldwide, gazillions of tons of computer equipment (get a better number, duh) are cast off each year, as companies and individuals strive to keep up with the latest technology. Meanwhile many people lack access to computers, and to the means of learning how to use them.

The principle is simple, but in practice there are endless details that need attention to keep the supply of unwanted computers in sync with the demand for working computers. Over Free Geek's 5-year history, we have confronted one show-stopping problem after another, found a way to address it, and continually refined our system. By all measures, the growth of Free Geek's capacity to dispose properly of waste and meet demand for working computers and education has been huge.

Scott Kveton, director of the Open Source Lab at OSU (incubator for, among other things, the popular Firefox web browser) recently expressed a common sentiment (link), when he wrote that it wasn't until he actually saw Free Geek in action that the depth of our impact started to sink in.

With the help of the news media, we hope to share our success stories with those who have not (yet) been able to see us in action with their own eyes.

Free Geek appeals to environmentalists, computer enthusiasts, and social activists alike. And all of these issues are addressed without taxpayer funding. In this media kit, we aim to present each of these facets of Free Geek.

We hope we've caught you interest. Please let us know (contact info) what further information will help you craft your own story about Free Geek.

(NOTE: The 2nd to last paragraph is important, as the next 3 pages of the media kit will be oriented toward ENVIRONMENTAL, GEEKY, and SOCIAL IMPACT aspects of the Geek.)