User:Lynnae/Disk Burning

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We generally use Brasero to test CD/DVD writing, although it will occasionally fail. If this happens, then we use another writing utility called K3b. If the drive is a DVD-RW, you only need to test writing to DVD.

Blank Disk

For Brasero

  1. Select Tools >> Blank.
  2. Make sure Fast Blanking is selected and click Blank.

For K3b

  1. Select Format (Near the top of the window, or through Tools >> Format/Erase rewritable disk...
  2. Make sure Quick Format is selected and click Start.

If either program cannot successfully blank a disc but manages to successfully burn to disc, then we'll include a note in the printme to indicate as much.

Burn Disk

For Brasero:

  1. Open up Brasero Disc Burning (under Applications >> Sound & Video)
  2. Click Data Project
  3. Click the green + symbol (near the top left of the window) and select examples.desktop.
  4. Click Burn on the lower right-hand corner.
  5. A new window will appear with a few options. If available, select User burnproof and Burn the image directly without saving it to disk and click Burn.
  6. When a disk is done, verify that it contains the files you wrote to it by inserting the disc and checking out what pops up.

For K3b:

  1. Check that K3b is installed. Look for it under Applications >> Sound & Video, and select it if it's there.
    • If K3b isn't listed, you can install it by searching for k3b in the Ubuntu Software Center, or by typing sudo apt-get install k3b into a terminal.
  2. Select New Data Project (near the bottom of the window, or through File >> New Project >> New Data Project).
  3. Double-click examples.desktop in the top-right window pane so that it appears in the bottom window pane.
  4. Click Burn, and then click Burn again on the window that pops up.
  5. When a disk is done, verify that it contains the files you wrote to it by inserting the disc and checking out what pops up.