User:MichaelWestwind/Inventory notes

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Points to cover

  • Reasons for inventory
    • Need information on what we are processing
    • No database is accurate, need to correct on a regular basis
      examples: theft forgotten entries, mistyped entries
    • who wants the data - NCER, annual report, donors, production/sales projections, space/time budgeting
  • How we do inventory
    • Inventory by location not type
      Best way of making sure we actually get everything
    • Counting in and out
    • Receiving
  • System is a case
    • story - 100 systems disassembled and put randomly in 5 boxes. how do we count them?
    • alternative story - we weigh everything (how do we tell covered and not after disassembly?)
    • Apply this to laptops
    • What is a system in the first place?
    • What we don't count
  • What we do with the inventory data
    • Correcting the database, when and how
    • recycle vs receive
    • examples
  • Issues
    • Wrong year of entry, etc.
    • Changed categories (lcd monitor vs lcd tv)
    • Different standards in different FG areas.
    • lost entries (sheet misplaced, entry point not entered)
    • Modified old entries
    • Unknown causes
  • How to help