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== Confirmed Booths ==
== Confirmed Booths ==
Have Responded to Invitation:
'''Have Responded to Invitation (In Order):'''
# '''SHIFT'''
# '''Re-Direct Guide'''
== Canopies ==
# '''Disc Golf Depot'''
# '''Re-Direct Guide''' ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
# '''People's'''
# '''Oregon Bus Project'''
# '''Personal Telco Project, Inc.'''
# '''Red & Black''' (not in food area -- no food served) ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
# '''Scrap''' ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
# '''PLUG''' ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
# '''Leggo Robotics'''
# '''Free Geek Info'''
# '''Smoothies''' ~ Back in Booth Mix Again.
# '''Laughing Horse'''
* Renting Canopies -
== Canopies & Tables ==
* Buying a Few -
* Renting Canopies - Oso has count to add to rental.
== Unconfirmed and Possibles ==
* Buying a Canopies - Two To Come From Costco
* Renting Tables - Osa has count to add to rental
== Paid ==
* Hoping to get Donated Tables - Undetermind
== Paid / Waved ==
* '''Re-Direct Guide''' ~ Waved
* '''Red & Black''' ~ Waved
* '''Scrap''' ~ Waved
* '''PLUG''' ~ Waved
* '''Lego Robotics''' ~ Waved
== Need to Pay ==
== Need to Pay ==
* '''Disc Golf Depot''' ~ Tami with Cover $$
* '''People's''' ~ have responded + to confirmation
* '''Oregon Bus Project'''
* '''Personal Telco Project, Inc.'''
* '''Laughing Horse'''
== Booth Placement ==
West Sidewalk (Left to Right)
* '''Free Geek'''
* '''Red & Black Cafe'''
* '''Peoples Food Co-Op'''
* '''ReDirect'''
* '''Bus Project'''
* '''PLUG'''
* '''Personal Telco'''
* '''Laughing Horse'''
East Sidewalk (Left to Right)
* '''Smoothie Machine'''
* '''Lego Robotic'''
* '''SCRAP'''
Parking Lot
* '''Disc Golf Depot'''
* '''Water Station'''
== Invited ==
== Invited ==
Association of Oregon Recyclers
* Association of Oregon Recyclers, info@AORR.org, http://www.aorr.org/
* BARK, info@bark-out.org, http://www.bark-out.org/
Bicycle transportation alliance
* Bicycle Transportation Alliance, info@bta4bikes.org, http://www.bta4bikes.org/
City Repair
* City Repair, thecircle@cityrepair.org, http://www.cityrepair.org/
Clackamas land trust
* Clackamas land trust, info@nwhousing.org, http://www.nwhousing.org/
Coalition for a Livable Future
* Coalition for a Livable Future, info@clfuture.org , http://www.clfuture.org/
Community Cycling Center
* Community Cycling Center, info@communitycyclingcenter.org, http://www.communitycyclingcenter.org/
Earth Charter
* Earth Charter, hcarver@xprt.net, http://www.xprt.net/
* Ecotrust, info@ecotrust.org, http://www.ecotrust.org/
Flex Car
* Flex Car, info_portland@flexcar.com, http://www.flexcar.com/
Friends of the Reservoirs (CSAW)
* Friends of the Reservoirs (CSAW), heyingc@pdx.edu, http://friendsofreservoirs.org/
Friends of trees
* Friends of trees, terir@friendsoftrees.org, http://www.friendsoftrees.org/
Girls Incorporated of NW Oregon
* Girls Incorporated of NW Oregon, info@girlsincnworegon.org, http://www.girlsinitiativenetwork.org/
Go Bio-Diesel
* Go Bio-Diesel, gobiodiesel.events@gmail.com, http://www.gobiodiesel.org/
Green Mountain Energy
* Green Mountain Energy, lindsey.newkirk@greenmountain.com, http://www.greenmountain.com/
Growing Gardens
* Growing Gardens, deb@growing-gardens.org, http://growing-gardens.org/
Internet Professionals Northwest
* Internet Professionals Northwest, info@ipn.org, http://www.ipn.org/
* KBOO, outreach@kboo.org, http://www.kboo.org/
Living Earth
* Living Earth, livingearth@earthlink.net, http://www.livingearthgatherings.org/
* Macrenewal, info@lanecrrc.org, http://www.lanecrrc.org/
* Metro, mcci@metro-region.org, http://www.metro-region.org/
National Charette Institute
* Mirador, info@miradorcommunitystore.com, http://www.miradorcommunitystore.com/
Neighborhood News
* National Charette Institute, info@charretteinstitute.org, http://www.charretteinstitute.org/
NW RAGE/street roots
* Neighborhood News, lindsey@myneighborhoodnews.us, http://www.myneighborhoodnews.us/
Office of Sustainable Development
* NW RAGE/street roots, info@nwrage.com, http://www.nwrage.com/
* Office of Sustainable Development, mcrim@ci.portland.or.us, http://www.portlandonline.com/osd/
Open source development lab
* OMSI, eritter@omsi.edu, http://www.omsi.edu/
Oregon Bus Project
* Open Source Development Lab, info@linux-foundation.org, http://www.linux-foundation.org/
Oregon Community Warehouse
* Oregon Bus Project, info@busproject.org, http://www.busproject.org/
Oregon Computer Consultants Association
* Oregon Community Warehouse, Kelly@CommunityWarehouse.org , http://www.oregoncommunitywarehouse.org/Main/Donate_1a.htm/
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
* Oregon Computer Consultants Association, davewatch@firetech.com, http://www.occa.org/
Oregon Tilth
* Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, info@oregonpsr.org, http://www.oregonpsr.org/
Oregon Wild
* Oregon Tilth, organic@tilth.org, http://www.tilth.org/
Outside In
* Oregon Wild, info@oregonwild.org, http://www.oregonwild.org/
* Outside In, anneb@outsidein.org , http://www.outsidein.org/
Permaculture Guild
* People's, sarahc@peoples.coop, http://www.peoples.coop/
Personal telco
* Permaculture Guild, jeremy@biohabit.org, http://www.portlandpermaculture.com/
* Personal Telco, info@personaltelco.net, http://www.personaltelco.net/
Portland FreeCycle
* PLUG, plug-announce@lists.pdxlinux.org, http://www.pdxlinux.org/
Portland land trust
* Portland FreeCycle, freecycleportland-owner@yahoogroups.com, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freecycleportland/
Portland Office of Transportation
* Portland Land Trust, info@pclt.org, http://www.pclt.org/
Portland Youth Builders
* Portland Office of Transportation, jeff.smith@pdxtrans.org , http://www.pdxtrans.org/
ReBuilding Center
* Portland Youth Builders, info@coho.net , http://pybpdx.org/
Recycling Advocates
* ReBuilding Center, jjako@rebuildingcenter.org, http://www.rebuildingcenter.org/
Red and black
* Recycling Advocates, info@recyclingadvocates.org, http://www.recyclingadvocates.org/
ReDirect Guide
* Red and black, booking@redandblackcafe.com, http://www.redandblackcafe.com/
Regional Arts and Cultural Counsil
* ReDirect Guide, info@redirectguide.com, http://www.redirectguide.com/
* Regional Arts and Cultural Counsil, info@racc.org , http://www.racc.org/
* Revolt, info@revoltltd.org, http://www.revoltltd.org/
SE Neighborhood uplift
* SCRAP, jess@scrapaction.org, http://www.scrapaction.org/
* SE neighborhood uplift, cece@southeastuplift.org, http://www.southeastuplift.org/
Sisters of the Road
* Smoothie Machine, WESTWIND@ARACNET.COM,
* Sisters of the Road, genny@sistersoftheroad.org, http://sistersoftheroadcafe.org/
* Smyrc, jonathan@cascadiabhc.org, http://www.cascadiabhc.org/
Street Roots
* Staccato, hazenbrassy@hotmail.com, 
The Earth and Spirit Council
* Street Roots, info@streetroots.org , http://www.streetroots.org/index.php/
The Portland Alliance
* The Earth and Spirit Council, contactus@earthandspirit.org , http://www.earthandspirit.org/
Trades women
* The Portland Alliance, mazza@theportlandalliance.org, http://www.theportlandalliance.org/
Trillium artisans
* Trades Women, terri@tradeswomen.net, http://www.tradeswomen.net/
* Trillium Trtisans, info@trilliumartisans.org, http://www.trilliumartisans.org/
Volunteers of America
* TriMet, pr@trimet.org, http://www.trimet.org/
Whiz to Coho
* Volunteers of America, dwhipple@voaor.org, http://www.voaor.org/
Worker's Rights Education Project
* Whiz to Coho, support@whiz.to, http://www.whiz.to/
* Worker's Rights Education Project, iparamo@portlandvoz.org, http://portlandvoz.org/
== Invitation Letter ==
Geek Fair 2007
Saturday, July 21st, 2007
Free Geek – Community Technology Center
1731 SE 10th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
971-235-7098 / NCC1127@gmail.com
June 24, 2007
Greetings, valued local community-beneficial organization.  We would
like to invite you to apply for a booth at our 2007 Geek Fair, which
will be held on Saturday, July 21st, 2007 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
The fair will be located at Free Geek Community Technology Center ~
1731 SE 10th Ave (between SE Markets and SE Mill).  Geek Fair is Free
Geek's annual street fair held in honor of our volunteers, staff, and
like-minded organizations.  The fair this year will include local
musicians, great food, a kids' area, video gaming, printer smashing,
an acro-balancing troupe, and so much more.  We expect 800 to 1,000
attendees throughout the day.
We have a limited number of spaces and will be offering them on a
first come first serve basis.  The cost for each booth is $25.00 and
includes; covered 6-ft table and two chairs.  If you will be providing
your own tent, table, chairs and/or other items that makes our
equipment unnecessary to meet your needs please let us know when you
submit your application.
To expedite the booth application process please send an e-mail
expressing your interest to Tami (Booth Coordinator) at
NCC1127@gmail.com with the following information:
BOOTH OBJECTIVE (are you a non-profit?):
Booth confirmations will be sent out via e-mail on July 14th and will
include payment information/instructions.  Payments will be due by
July 20th.
Thanks for considering being a part of Geek Fair 2007, and we hope to
see you there.
Tami Sheets
Geek Fair Booth Coordinator
== Confirmation Letter ==
Thanks for staffing a booth at this year's Geek Fair!
Free Geek's 2007 street party promises to be fun and exciting: 16 performers, organic food, kids' activities, printer smashing, and awesome video gaming will make the day enjoyable for everyone. 
I am sending this email to confirm that you're on our list and we'll be expecting you.  I also want to give you some logistical info so that the people staffing your booth will know what to expect.
Add this if it applies:  PAYMENT:  As a reminder, your booth payment is due on July 20th. Send your check to:
Free Geek
attn: Geek Fair 2007
1731 SE 10th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
WHEN/WHERE:  The fair lasts from 1 pm to 7pm (Please Note Corrected Time) , and will be located at 1731 SE 10th Avenue (2.5 blocks south of Hawthorne) in front of the Free Geek facility.  We'd love for your booth to be up and running the whole time, although in the past, many booths wrap it up by 5:30 or 6pm.  The people staffing your booth should come to the info booth, prior to 1 pm, right in front of Free Geek's front doors to find out where to set up.  Geek Fair can be reached on Tri-Met bus route numbers 14, 10, 70, or 4.  For a street map of the area, go to: http://tinyurl.com/47ib
PARKING:  Booth staffers are welcome to park at the corner of SE 10th and Market to drop off supplies, but then must move their cars once they are unloaded.  Unfortunately, we can't offer parking in our parking lot, as we'll be using it for the event.  There is timed and un-timed street parking available all around the fair.
WE'LL PROVIDE:  A covered 6-foot table, two chairs, and a canopy, unless you've indicated you'll be bringing your own equipment.
WEATHER:  It'll probably be hot.  The people staffing your booth should be sure to bring plenty of water.  Part of the fair will be inside our air-conditioned facility, so they will be able to escape the heat once in awhile if they need to.
FOOD:  Vegan, vegetarian, and carnivorous food will be available for purchase from the food tent at the fair.  If booth staffers want to save some money, they should bring their own. 
If you have any further questions, or just need to contact me for something, send an email to or give me a call at .
Once again, thanks for helping to make this event great.  We'll see you at Geek Fair!
Geek Fair Boorths
Many thanks to Geek Fair 2007 sponsors:
Full Sail Brewing Co.
The Mercury
New Deal Vodka
[[Category:Geek Fair]]
[[Category:Geek Fair]]

Latest revision as of 10:53, 9 February 2011

This is a wiki page concerning booths for GEEK FAIR.

Confirmed Booths

Have Responded to Invitation (In Order):

  1. Disc Golf Depot
  2. Re-Direct Guide ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
  3. People's
  4. Oregon Bus Project
  5. Personal Telco Project, Inc.
  6. Red & Black (not in food area -- no food served) ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
  7. Scrap ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
  8. PLUG ~ Requested Waver on $25.00 Fee
  9. Leggo Robotics
  10. Free Geek Info
  11. Smoothies ~ Back in Booth Mix Again.
  12. Laughing Horse

Canopies & Tables

  • Renting Canopies - Oso has count to add to rental.
  • Buying a Canopies - Two To Come From Costco
  • Renting Tables - Osa has count to add to rental
  • Hoping to get Donated Tables - Undetermind

  • Re-Direct Guide ~ Waved
  • Red & Black ~ Waved
  • Scrap ~ Waved
  • PLUG ~ Waved
  • Lego Robotics ~ Waved

Need to Pay

  • Disc Golf Depot ~ Tami with Cover $$
  • People's ~ have responded + to confirmation
  • Oregon Bus Project
  • Personal Telco Project, Inc.
  • Laughing Horse

Booth Placement

West Sidewalk (Left to Right)

  • Free Geek
  • Red & Black Cafe
  • Peoples Food Co-Op
  • ReDirect
  • Bus Project
  • PLUG
  • Personal Telco
  • Laughing Horse

East Sidewalk (Left to Right)

  • Smoothie Machine
  • Lego Robotic

Parking Lot

  • Disc Golf Depot
  • Water Station


Invitation Letter

Geek Fair 2007 Saturday, July 21st, 2007

Free Geek – Community Technology Center 1731 SE 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97214 971-235-7098 / NCC1127@gmail.com

June 24, 2007

Greetings, valued local community-beneficial organization.  We would like to invite you to apply for a booth at our 2007 Geek Fair, which will be held on Saturday, July 21st, 2007 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The fair will be located at Free Geek Community Technology Center ~ 1731 SE 10th Ave (between SE Markets and SE Mill).  Geek Fair is Free Geek's annual street fair held in honor of our volunteers, staff, and like-minded organizations.  The fair this year will include local musicians, great food, a kids' area, video gaming, printer smashing, an acro-balancing troupe, and so much more.  We expect 800 to 1,000 attendees throughout the day.

We have a limited number of spaces and will be offering them on a first come first serve basis.  The cost for each booth is $25.00 and includes; covered 6-ft table and two chairs.  If you will be providing your own tent, table, chairs and/or other items that makes our equipment unnecessary to meet your needs please let us know when you submit your application.

To expedite the booth application process please send an e-mail expressing your interest to Tami (Booth Coordinator) at NCC1127@gmail.com with the following information:


Booth confirmations will be sent out via e-mail on July 14th and will include payment information/instructions.  Payments will be due by July 20th.

Thanks for considering being a part of Geek Fair 2007, and we hope to see you there.


Tami Sheets Geek Fair Booth Coordinator NCC1127@gmail.com 971-235-7098

Confirmation Letter

Thanks for staffing a booth at this year's Geek Fair!

Free Geek's 2007 street party promises to be fun and exciting: 16 performers, organic food, kids' activities, printer smashing, and awesome video gaming will make the day enjoyable for everyone.

I am sending this email to confirm that you're on our list and we'll be expecting you. I also want to give you some logistical info so that the people staffing your booth will know what to expect.

Add this if it applies: PAYMENT: As a reminder, your booth payment is due on July 20th. Send your check to:

Free Geek attn: Geek Fair 2007 1731 SE 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97214

WHEN/WHERE: The fair lasts from 1 pm to 7pm (Please Note Corrected Time) , and will be located at 1731 SE 10th Avenue (2.5 blocks south of Hawthorne) in front of the Free Geek facility. We'd love for your booth to be up and running the whole time, although in the past, many booths wrap it up by 5:30 or 6pm. The people staffing your booth should come to the info booth, prior to 1 pm, right in front of Free Geek's front doors to find out where to set up. Geek Fair can be reached on Tri-Met bus route numbers 14, 10, 70, or 4. For a street map of the area, go to: http://tinyurl.com/47ib

PARKING: Booth staffers are welcome to park at the corner of SE 10th and Market to drop off supplies, but then must move their cars once they are unloaded. Unfortunately, we can't offer parking in our parking lot, as we'll be using it for the event. There is timed and un-timed street parking available all around the fair.

WE'LL PROVIDE: A covered 6-foot table, two chairs, and a canopy, unless you've indicated you'll be bringing your own equipment.

WEATHER: It'll probably be hot. The people staffing your booth should be sure to bring plenty of water. Part of the fair will be inside our air-conditioned facility, so they will be able to escape the heat once in awhile if they need to.

FOOD: Vegan, vegetarian, and carnivorous food will be available for purchase from the food tent at the fair. If booth staffers want to save some money, they should bring their own.

If you have any further questions, or just need to contact me for something, send an email to or give me a call at .

Once again, thanks for helping to make this event great. We'll see you at Geek Fair!

Geek Fair Boorths http://freegeek.org/geekfair

Many thanks to Geek Fair 2007 sponsors: Full Sail Brewing Co. Backspace The Mercury New Deal Vodka