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Revision as of 18:13, 27 November 2012


The drive you want to check must be unmounted or the check itself may corrupt the filesystem!!


sudo fsck [options] [device name]

Useful commands

These require sudo.

To list mounted drives:


To mount everything in /etc/fstab:

mount -a

To list all recognized drives and partitions:

fdisk -l

To reboot, forcing fsck on root filesystem:

shutdown -rF now

To fsck all unmounted filesystems with pass number > 0 in /etc/fstab:

fsck -ARM

To pretend fsck:

fsck -N

To make fsck skip mounted filesystems and exit cleanly:

fsck -M

To fsck a broken filesystem, automatically answering "yes" to prompts:

fsck -y

More Info Is Here