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== Getting the System to POST ==
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B45aA9FFSc2d36mG-30wmG9xoCwDEtSlQ7ETdyKQ4fc/edit?usp=sharing link]
==GREEN Chart==
<div style="border: 10px solid GREEN; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 3px 3px 0;">
  digraph POSTING {
    node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
    edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
    addstuff        [label="If needed, add \nRAM, VIDEO\nand/or POWER SUPPLY",
                    label_es="Si es necesario, instale\nmemoria, video\ny/o fuente de poder",
    bios            [label="Try to\nget into BIOS\nCan you get the\nPROCESSOR INFO?",
                    label_es="Intente\naccesar a BIOS\n¿Puede usted obtener\nla información del PROCESSOR ?"]
    blowncaps      [label="Can you see any\nBLOWN CAPS?\n(Check Again)",
                    label_es="¿Puede ver un\ntransistor quemado o defectuoso?"]
    checkconnect    [label="Check the\ncables and connections\n(see note below).\nDoes it POWER ON?",
                    label_es="Verifique los\ncables y conecciones\n(Véase nota abajo)\n¿El SISTEMA ENCIENDE?"]
    checktight      [label="Check to make sure\nall cards and memory sticks are\nproperly seated",
                    label_es="Verifique cuidadosamente que\ntodas las tarjetas y memorias estén\ncorrectamente instaladas",
    disconnect      [label="Disconnect the\nHARD DRIVE CABLE\nfrom the\nMOTHERBOARD",
                    label_es="Desconecte el\nCABLE DEL DISCO DURO\nde la\nTARJETA MADRE",
    goback          [label="Go back to the\nSYSTEM EVALUATION OVERVIEW chart",
                    label_es="Regrese al\nDIAGRAMA PRINCIPAL",
                    shape="box", style="dashed", color="red", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_Overview"]
    manualdetermine [label="Check in with instructor!\nUse an\nALTERNATIVE METHOD\nto determine the proc info",
                    label_es="Use un\nMETODO ALTERNATIVO\npara obtener la INFO del PROCESADOR",
                    URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_Overview", shape="box"]
    plugin          [label="Plug in MONITOR,\nKEYBOARD,\nand POWER CORD",
                    label_es="Conecte el MONITOR,\nTECLADO,\ny CABLE DE CORRIENTE",
    post            [label="Does it\nPOST?",
                    label_es="¿Despliega alguna\nINFORMACIÓN?"]
    poweron        [label="Does it\nPOWER ON?",
                    label_es="¿El sistema \nenciende"]
    proc            [label="Does it probably have a\nPROCESSOR?",
                    label_es="¿El sistema tiene un\nPROCESADOR?"]
    heatsink_fan    [label="Does it have a\n HEAT SINK and/or FAN?",
                    label_es="¿El sistema tiene un\nCALENTADOR y/o VENTILADOR?"]
    procinfo        [label="Can you get the \nPROCESSOR INFORMATION?",
                    label_es="¿Puede usted obtener la\nINFORMACIÓN DEL PROCESADOR?"]
    pull_mobo      [label="PULL THE MOTHERBOARD OUT\nand take it to Advanced Testing\nWe are\nRECYCLING\nthis system",
                    label_es="REMUEVA LA TARJETA MADRE\ny llévela a Advanced Testing\nNosotros\nRECICLAMOS\neste gabinete",
    simplify        [label="SIMPLIFY\nRemove uneeded cards\nand disconnect the drives\nDoes it POST?",
                    label_es="Remueva las tarjetas innecesarias\ny desconecte los lectores y disco duro.\nDespliega alguna INFORMACIÓN?"]
    start          [label="START HERE",
                    label_es="INICIAR AQUI",
                    shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
    swapram        [label="Try a different\nstick of RAM\nDoes it POST?",
                    label_es="Pruebe una diferente\ntarjeta de memoria\n¿Despliega alguna INFORMACIÓN?"]
    swapvideocard  [label="Swap out the VIDEO CARD\nDoes it POST?",
                    label_es="Cambie la tarjeta de VIDEO\n¿Despliega alguna INFORMACIÓN?"]
    testpower      [label="Does the\nPOWER SUPPLY\nwork?\n(Test it)",
                    label_es="¿Está funcionando\nla\nfuente de poder?\n(Pruebelo)"]
    good_mobo      [label="Does the motherboard\nhave DDR \nand SATA ports?",
                    label_es="¿Tiene la tarjeta madre\nDDR slots\ny SATA ports?"]
    not_done      [label="You're not done yet!",
                    label_es="No esta terminado todavia!"]
* POST stands for ''Power On Self Test''. If a system POSTs successfully, it will then try to '''boot'' (load an operating system).
    start -> proc
* If it fails POST it will never boot, no matter how many floppy disks you try. This is because it doesn't access the drives until after a successful POST.
* Never boot
    proc -> heatsink_fan [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
    proc -> not_done [taillabel="NO"]
  digraph POSTING {
    heatsink_fan -> blowncaps [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
    heatsink_fan -> manualdetermine [taillabel="NO"]
    blowncaps -> good_mobo [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
    blowncaps -> disconnect [taillabel="NO"]
    good_mobo -> pull_mobo [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
    good_mobo -> not_done [taillabel="NO"]
    pull_mobo -> not_done
    disconnect -> addstuff
    addstuff -> checktight -> plugin -> poweron
    addstuff        [label="Add the RAM and VIDEO"]
    bios            [label="Try to\nget into BIOS\nCan you get the\nPROCESSOR INFO?"]
    checkconnect    [label="Check the\ncables and connections\nDoes it POWER ON?"]
    floppyboot      [label="Try to\nBOOT FROM a FLOPPY\nCan you get the\nPROCESSOR INFO?"]
    manualdetermine [label="You will need to\nMANUALLY DETERMINE\nthe processor information\n(go back to main flow chart)", shape="box", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_2_Overview"]
    post            [label="Does it\nPOST?"]
    poweron        [label="Does it\nPOWER ON?"]
    powersupply    [label="Does it have a\nPOWER SUPPLY?"]
    proc            [label="Does it have a\nPROCESSOR?"]
    procinfo        [label="Can you get the \nPROCESSOR INFORMATION?", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_2_Overview"]
    ramvideo        [label="Does it have\nRAM and VIDEO?"]
    simplify        [label="SIMPLIFY\nRemove uneeded cards\nand disconnect the drives\nDoes it POST?"]
    start          [label="TRYING TO GET A\nSYSTEM TO POST\nSTART HERE", shape="box"]
    swapram        [label="Swap out the RAM\nsystematically.\nTry PC100, PC133, and PC66\nDoes it POST?"]
    triage          [label="Ready for TRIAGE\n(go back to main flow chart)", shape="box"]
     start -> powersupply [taillabel="YES"]
     poweron -> post [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es=""]
    powersupply -> proc [taillabel="YES"]
    powersupply -> manualdetermine [taillabel="NO"]
    proc -> ramvideo [taillabel="YES"]
    proc -> triage [taillabel="NO"]
    ramvideo -> poweron [taillabel="YES"]
    ramvideo -> addstuff [taillabel="NO"]
    addstuff -> poweron
    poweron -> post [taillabel="YES"]
     poweron -> checkconnect [taillabel="NO"]
     poweron -> checkconnect [taillabel="NO"]
     checkconnect -> post [taillabel="YES"]
     checkconnect -> manualdetermine [taillabel="NO"]
     checkconnect -> post [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
     post -> procinfo [taillabel="YES"]
     checkconnect -> testpower [taillabel="NO"]
    testpower -> post [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
    testpower -> addstuff [taillabel="NO"]
     post -> procinfo [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
     post -> simplify [taillabel="NO"]
     post -> simplify [taillabel="NO"]
     procinfo -> bios [taillabel="NO"]
     procinfo -> bios [taillabel="NO"]
     procinfo -> triage [taillabel="YES"]
     procinfo -> not_done [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es=""]
    bios -> triage [taillabel="YES"]
     bios -> floppyboot [taillabel="NO"]
     bios -> not_done [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es=""]
    floppyboot -> triage [label="YES"]
     bios -> manualdetermine [taillabel="NO"]
     floppyboot -> manualdetermine [label="NO"]
     simplify -> procinfo [taillabel="YES"]
     simplify -> procinfo [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
     simplify -> swapram [taillabel="NO"]
     simplify -> swapram [taillabel="NO"]
     swapram -> procinfo [taillabel="YES"]
     swapram -> manualdetermine [taillabel="NO"]
     swapram -> procinfo [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
     swapram -> swapvideocard [taillabel="NO"]
    swapvideocard -> procinfo [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
    swapvideocard -> manualdetermine [taillabel="NO"]
    manualdetermine -> not_done
    not_done -> goback
[[Category: Prebuild]]
== Checking the Cables and Connections ==
* Is the power strip on?
* Is the computer plugged into the power strip?
* Is the power switch on the back of the power supply on?
* Is the power supply plugged into the motherboard?
** '''Some motherboards have a 4 pin connector (as well as the 20 or 24 pin connector). Make sure that this is also plugged in properly.'''
* Is the power switch connected to the motherboard?
== Alternative method for determining the processor information ==
'''This is your last resort option. Do not do this unless the instructions told you to.'''
* Is the computer marked with the model number or speed?
** Use this information. ''(You may need to google the model number.)''
* If (and only if) that does not work:
*# Check with an instructor
*# See if you can see the speed without removing anything
*# Remove the heat sink/fan only if necessary
*# You may need a magnifying glass. (See instructor.)
English Version: [[Getting_the_Processor_Information]]
Vercion Español: [[Getting_the_Processor_Information_en_Español]]
[[Category: System Evaluation]]

Latest revision as of 17:28, 5 July 2014


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This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

Checking the Cables and Connections

  • Is the power strip on?
  • Is the computer plugged into the power strip?
  • Is the power switch on the back of the power supply on?
  • Is the power supply plugged into the motherboard?
    • Some motherboards have a 4 pin connector (as well as the 20 or 24 pin connector). Make sure that this is also plugged in properly.
  • Is the power switch connected to the motherboard?

Alternative method for determining the processor information

This is your last resort option. Do not do this unless the instructions told you to.

  • Is the computer marked with the model number or speed?
    • Use this information. (You may need to google the model number.)
  • If (and only if) that does not work:
    1. Check with an instructor
    2. See if you can see the speed without removing anything
    3. Remove the heat sink/fan only if necessary
    4. You may need a magnifying glass. (See instructor.)

English Version: Getting_the_Processor_Information

Vercion Español: Getting_the_Processor_Information_en_Español