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[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cgzMyD0dpmzxmRnAAtLYbiLnJo7OKQ2h9D3uLdItOhQ/edit?usp=sharing link]
==MAIN Chart==
<div style="border: 10px dotted RED; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 3px 3px 0;">
   digraph EVAL2 {
   digraph Eval2Overview {
    node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
    edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
    main            [label="MAIN\n\nCHART",
                    style="bold", shape="octagon", color="red"]
    yellow          [label="CIRCLE YELLOW LIGHT",
                    label_es="CIRCULAR YELLOW LIGHT",
    red            [label="CIRCLE RED LIGHT",
                    label_es="CIRCULAR RED LIGHT",
    check_in        [label="STOP!\nCheck in with\ninstructor\nbefore\nproceeding",
                    label_es="ALTO!\nChecar con el\ninstructor\nantes\nde proceder",
                    shape="octagon", style="bold"]
    rejected        [label="Does it have a\nREJECT LABEL\non it?",
                    label_es="¿Tiene esto una\n''REJECT LABEL''\?"]
    recycle_label  [label="Does it have a\nRECYCLE LABEL\non it?",
                    label_es="¿Tiene esto una\n''RECYCLE LABEL''\?",]
    hold_label      [label="Does it have a\nHOLD LABEL\non it?",
                    label_es="¿Tiene esto una\n''HOLD LABEL''\?"]
    askwhere        [label="Ask where\nit goes",
                    label_es="Consulte a donde\nla tiene que enviar", style="bold", shape="box"]
    rack_mount      [label="Is it a\nRACK MOUNT\nCOMPUTER?",
                    label_es="¿Es esto un\n''RACK MOUNT\nCOMPUTER''?"]
    computer        [label="Is it a\nCOMPUTER?",
                    label_es="¿Es esto\nuna\nCOMPUTADORA?"]
    mac            [label="Is it a\nMACINTOSH COMPUTER?",
                    label_es="¿Es esto\nuna\nCOMPUTADORA MACINTOSH?"]
    mac_chart      [label="Go to the\nREGULAR MAC CHART",
                    label_es="Ir alDIAGRAMA\nREGULAR MAC",
                    shape="square", color="PINK", style="bold", URL="/index.php?title=Regular_Mac_Triage"]
    circled        [label="Is either\nRED LIGHT or\nYELLOW LIGHT\ncircled?",
                    label_es="¿Está circulado\n''RED LIGHT''\no\n''YELLOW LIGHT''?"]
    incompatible    [label="Is it on the list\nof INCOMPATIBLES?\n(see list below)",
                    label_es="¿Está esto en la\nlista de ''INCOMPATIBLES''?\n(checar en la parte inferior)"]
    labelit        [label="Fill out\nand put a\nKEEPER LABEL\non its front\n(See below for\ninstructions)",
                    label_es="Completar y pegar\n la ''KEEPER LABEL''\nen la parte frontal\n(y escribir sus\nINICIALES)",
    initial        [label="Put your INITIALS \non the label",
                    label_es="Escribir sus INICIALES \nen la etiqueta",
    shut_off        [label="Power it down\n(if it is on)",
                    label_es="Apagar el equipo\n(si se encuentra\nencendido)",
    mineit          [label="Follow instructions on\nthe ORANGE CHART\n(REMOVING COMPONENTS\nFROM SYSTEMS)",
                    label_es="Seguir las intrucciones\ndel DIAGRAMA NARANJA\n(REMOVER LOS COMPONENTES\nDEL SISTEMA)",
                    shape="box", color="orange",
                    URL="/index.php/Removing_components_from_systems", shape="box", style="bold"]
    start          [label="START HERE",
                    label_es="INICIAR AQUI",
                    shape="box", style="bold", color="pink"]
    triage          [label="Go through the\nPURPLE\nSYSTEM EVALUATION\nFINAL TRIAGE chart\n(then come back here)",
                    label_es="Ir por el\nDIAGRAMA MORADO\nDIAGRAMA DE EVALUACION\nDE SISTEMA\n''FINAL TRIAGE'' \n(y regrasar aqui)",
                    shape="box", color="purple", style="bold", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_Final_Triage"]
    trytopost      [label="Go through the\nGREEN CHART\n(Getting the Processor Info)\n(then come back here)",
                    label_es="Ir por el \nDIAGRAMA VERDE\n(OBTENER LA INFORMACION\nDEL PROCESADOR)\n(y regresar aqui)",
                    shape="box", color="green", style="bold", URL="/index.php/Getting_the_Processor_Information"]
    visual          [label="Go through the\nBLUE CHART\n(VISUAL TRIAGE)\n(then come back here)",
                    label_es="Ir por el\nDIAGRAMA AZUL\n(VISUAL TRIAGE)\n(y regresar aquí)",
                    shape="box", color="blue", style="bold",
  exceptional      [label="Does it have anything\nfrom the\n EXCEPTIONAL\nCOMPONENTS\nlist? (See below.)\n",
                    label_es="¿Tiene esto algo\nde la lista\nde\nEXCEPCIONAL\nCOMPONENTES?\n"]
                    style="bold", style="dotted", color="red"]                   
  vaccuum          [label="Pop it open,\nand vaccuum out any\ndust bunnies",
                    label_es="Abrir y,\naspirar cualquier\nacumulación de polvo",
  whichway        [label="Did the blue chart\ntell you to recycle it?",
                    label_es="Conforme al diagrama azul,\nEsto se tiene que reciclar?"]
  start ->    recycle_label
  recycle_label -> rejected [label="NO"]
  recycle_label -> circled [label="YES", label_es="SI"]
  rejected -> hold_label [label="NO"]
  rejected -> yellow [label="YES", label_es="SI"]
  circled -> initial [label="RED or\nYELLOW\nCIRCLED"]
  circled -> exceptional [label="NOTHING\nCIRCLED", label_es="SIN\nCIRCULAR"]
  hold_label    -> check_in  [label="YES", label_es="SI"]
  hold_label    -> rack_mount [label="NO"]
  rack_mount -> check_in [label="YES", label_es="SI"]
  rack_mount -> computer [label="NO"]
    getlabel        [label="Get system labels\nfrom Receiving"]
  exceptional -> yellow [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SI"]
    goodcase        [label="Is is a\nGENERIC CASE\nwith all its parts?"]
  exceptional -> red    [label="NO", color="red"]
    labelit        [label="Fill out\nand put a\nKEEPER LABEL\non its front"]
    manualdetermine [label="MANUALLY DETERMINE\nthe processor information"]  
  yellow ->  initial
    mineit          [label="Follow instructions in\nREMOVING COMPONENTS\n(and come back here)", shape="box"]  
  red ->  initial [color="red"]
    pullspecial    [label="Pull cards, RAM,\ndrives, and motherboard"]
  initial -> shut_off
    putoncart      [label="Put on\nthe CART\n(label and back\nvisible)"]
  shut_off -> mineit
    received        [label="Has it been\nRECEIVED?"]
    recyclelabel   [label="Fill out\nand put a\nRECYCLE LABEL\non its front"]
  computer -> askwhere [taillabel="NO"]
    rejectpile      [label="Put it on\nthe REJECT pile\n(for EVAL 1)", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_1_Overview"]
  computer -> mac [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SI"]
    start          [label="START HERE", shape="box"]
    tallyit        [label="Copy info\nfrom label to\nTALLY SHEET"]
   mac -> incompatible [taillabel="NO"]
    triage          [label="Go through the\nEVAL 2 TRIAGE chart\n(and come back here)", shape="box", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_2_Overview"]
  mac -> mac_chart [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SI"]
    triageoutcome  [label="What did TRIAGE\nsay to do?"]
    trytopost       [label="TRY TO GET IT\nTO POST\n(and come back here)\nDid you get the processor information?", shape="box", URL="/index.php/Getting_the_System_to_POST"]
  incompatible -> askwhere [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SI"]
  incompatible -> vaccuum [taillabel="NO"]
    vaccuum -> visual
    visual -> whichway
    whichway -> exceptional [label="YES", label_es="SI"]
    whichway -> trytopost [taillabel="NO"]
    start -> received
    received -> getlabel [label="NO"]
    received -> trytopost [label="YES"]
    getlabel -> trytopost
    trytopost -> triage [label="YES"]
    trytopost -> manualdetermine [label="NO"]
    triage -> triageoutcome
    triageoutcome -> recyclelabel [taillabel="RECYCLE"]
    recyclelabel -> rejectpile
    triageoutcome -> labelit [label="KEEP"]
    labelit -> tallyit
    tallyit -> mineit
    mineit -> putoncart
    triageoutcome -> pullspecial [label="SPECIAL\nMINING"]
    pullspecial -> goodcase
    goodcase -> putoncart [taillabel="YES"]
    goodcase -> recyclelabel [taillabel="NO"]
    manualdetermine -> triage
== Overview of System Evaluation 2 ==
; Has it been RECEIVED?
: Does it have a label with a gizmo number on it? (This is done in receiving.) If not, you need to get a label from Receiving for the system.
; Try to get it to POST
    trytopost -> triage
: See the other chart about this. It involves lots of troubleshooting. Whee! (See [[Getting the System to POST]])
: After trying to get it to POST, there are two possible next steps:
:# Go through the Eval 2 TRIAGE chart -- this is if you were able to determine the necessary information.
:# Manually determine the processer information -- this is if you were NOT able to determine the necessary information.
; Manually determine the Processor information
    triage -> exceptional [label="RECYCLE", label_es="RECICLIAR"]
: This means visually check for the processor speed. Sometimes this is out in plain sight if you know what to look for. Other times, you need to remove a heat sink or other component in order to determine the speed. '''NOTE: You don't need to manually determine anything if you got the processor information from POST .'''
    triage -> labelit [label="GREEN\nLIGHT", color="green"]
; Go through the Eval 2 Triage flow chart
    labelit -> initial [color="green"]
: This is the chart that tells you how to determine what to do with the system. You'll need to know the processor speed by the time you get here.
: Triage will say to do one of three things:
:# Keep the system (in which case we will be filling out labels, paperwork, and pulling components from it).
:# Recycle the system (in which case we will be sending the box back to Eval 1).
:# Special Mining (in which case we will be harvesting the motherboard for testing).
; Fill out a KEEPER LABEL
: This is for keepers only. Record the processor information. Don't bother with the socket type if it's hidden. Record the number of DIMMs and circle the card slot types that are present. Write the processor speed and ID number neatly, and circle the processor type. Put the label on the front of the computer (opposite from wherever the cards' ports are visible from outside).
; Copy information from the TALLY SHEET
==Filling out a KEEPER label==
: Copy the ID number, the number of DIMM slots, and the processor class and speed onto the tally sheet.
<div style="float:right; clear:both">[[File:SATA Gallery.jpg|200px]]</div>
<div style="float:right; clear:both">[[File:IDE vs Floppy.svg|Floppy vs IDE connector|200px]]</div>
* Count the DDR slots and circle the correct number.
* For AMD chips:
** Circle AMD in the "Proc Type" section
** Write the processor '''model number''' in the "Processor Information" area
* For Intel and other chips:
** Circle the processor type (or write next to "Other")
** Write the processor '''speed''' in the "Processor Information" area
* If there are any SATA connectors on the motherboard circle the appropriate number
** Keep in mind that SATA ports my be directed parallel to the motherboard.
* If there are any IDE connectors on the motherboard circle the appropriate number
** Make sure not to count Floppy counters as IDE connectors. IDE connectors have 40 pins and pin missing in the middle. Floppy have 34-pins and 1-2 pins missing near the end.
* If the system has a dual core processor, check the '''Dual Core''' box
* If the system did not POST successfully, check the '''Did not POST''' box
* If there are any PCIe slots, circle '''PCI-e'''
* If there is an AGP slot, circle '''AGP'''
* If there is an on-board video connector, circle '''OnBoard'''
* Remember to put your '''initials''' in the appropriate box
; MINING (Removing components)
: Read the instruction sheet for what components we pull out. '''This is different from what we pull out in Eval 1.''' Check the instructions.
'''NOTE:''' If a system has no brand name on it, then it is '''not''' on this incompatibles list.
* Amiga
* Commodore
* DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation)
* Sun
* Silicon Graphics (SGI)
** Indy (they're '''blue''')
* anything with the label RISC on it
==Exceptional Components List==
: Make sure the label is facing out so it can be seen even if there are computers on top of and on boths sides of it. The back side should then be also visible.
<div style="border: 5px dotted RED; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 3px 3px 0;">
{{Yellow Light Components List}}
: See the instruction sheet.
English Version: [[System_Evaluation_Overview]]
: If the instructions say to recycle it, then label it with the reason (typically "< 500 MHz") and put it on the REJECT pile.
:* Do not put on a KEEPER sticker
:* Do not mine or fill out paperwork. This is done in Eval 1.
Versión española: [[System_Evaluation_Overview_en_Español]]
[[Category: Prebuild]]
[[Category:System Evaluation]]

Latest revision as of 17:36, 5 July 2014


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MAIN Chart

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

Filling out a KEEPER label

SATA Gallery.jpg
Floppy vs IDE connector
  • Count the DDR slots and circle the correct number.
  • For AMD chips:
    • Circle AMD in the "Proc Type" section
    • Write the processor model number in the "Processor Information" area
  • For Intel and other chips:
    • Circle the processor type (or write next to "Other")
    • Write the processor speed in the "Processor Information" area
  • If there are any SATA connectors on the motherboard circle the appropriate number
    • Keep in mind that SATA ports my be directed parallel to the motherboard.
  • If there are any IDE connectors on the motherboard circle the appropriate number
    • Make sure not to count Floppy counters as IDE connectors. IDE connectors have 40 pins and pin missing in the middle. Floppy have 34-pins and 1-2 pins missing near the end.
  • If the system has a dual core processor, check the Dual Core box
  • If the system did not POST successfully, check the Did not POST box
  • If there are any PCIe slots, circle PCI-e
  • If there is an AGP slot, circle AGP
  • If there is an on-board video connector, circle OnBoard
  • Remember to put your initials in the appropriate box


NOTE: If a system has no brand name on it, then it is not on this incompatibles list.

  • Amiga
  • Commodore
  • DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation)
  • Sun
  • Silicon Graphics (SGI)
    • Indy (they're blue)
  • anything with the label RISC on it

Exceptional Components List

  • High Speed or Ultra Speed CD RW
    • They must have a standard 5.25" rectangular faceplate and not be laptop-sized.
    • A drive is only High Speed or Ultra Speed if it literally says "High Speed" or "Ultra Speed" to the right of the "Compact Disc" label.


  • DVD Drive
    • They must have a standard 5.25" rectangular faceplate and not be laptop-sized.
  • Front side card readers, only if it includes a cable
  • Gigabit ethernet card (Network Card marked 1000)
  • Wireless card
  • Power supply with a SATA connector
  • Molex to SATA power supply adapter
  • Molex to 6-pin power supply adapter
  • Motherboard with SATA connector(s)
  • A really cool case that some geeky kid would drool over

English Version: System_Evaluation_Overview

Versión española: System_Evaluation_Overview_en_Español